1. Opening
The meeting was opened at 09.00 am with the President, Mr Riccardo MIGLIORI (Italy), inthe Chair.2. Adoption of the Draft Agenda
The draft Agenda was adopted.3. Report by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Mr Riccardo MIGLIORI addressed the Committee.4. Report of the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Mr Roberto BATTELLI (Treasurer) presented the audited accounts of the Assembly for thefinancial year 2011-2012 to the Standing Committee.5. Report of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Mr Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General) addressed the Committee.6. Other Reports
a. Reports on Election Observation ActivitiesMontenegro, 14 October 2012: Mr Roberto BATTELLI (Slovenia) addressed the Committee.Ukraine, 28 October 2012: Mr Matteo MECACCI (Italy) addressed the Committee.United States of America, 6 November 2012: Mr Joao SOARES (Portugal) addressed theCommittee.Romania, 9 December 2012: Mr Wolfgang GROSSRUCK (Austria) addressed theCommittee.