Kommunaludvalget 2011-12
KOU Alm.del Bilag 116

Fra:STOERRING Dagmara [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:28. marts 2012 16:40Til:Richard Mongin ForrestCc:SARUP Thomas; BUDVYTYTE EivydaEmne:REGI delegation to DenmarkDear Mr Forrest,I received your name from your colleague from the European Parliament, Thomas Sarup.As he already explained to you our Committee has taken a final decision concerning the delegation toDenmark: we are going between May 30 (starting in the afternoon) and June 1 (finishing in the afternoon).Our priority is to learn about how regional policy is implemented in Denmark and we are particularlyinterested in the relationships with innovation policy, support to SMEs, interaction between public andprivate, thus things where Denmark is leading in Europe. Learning about examples of growth based onknowledge economy is important for our Committee Members.It is also very important for our Members to meet national and regional parliamentarians. We have most ofour political coordinators and rapporteurs for the new regulations among the participants and I hope thatsome of the "Folketinget medlemmer" will be interested in a common meeting.I will try to call you tomorrow to discuss possibilities for organising such a meeting.Best regards,Dagmara StoerringDagmara StoerringAdministratorCommittee on Regional Development (REGI)Directorate General for Internal PoliciesEuropean Parliament---------------------------------------------------------ATR 01 K 035 - Tel.: + 32 2 28 46676 (Bxl)Fax: + 32 2 28 44926[email protected]