Kirkeudvalget 2011-12
KIU Alm.del Bilag 71

(Bilag 1)

Dear Finn,
This is Mia Zou from the Chinese Embassy, political section. It was very nice talking to youearlier today.As I have briefly talked over the phone, a Chinese delegation of the Chinese people's politicalconsultative conference (CPPCC) subcommittee for ethnic and religious affairs would like tovisit Denmark from 16 to 19 September, led by Mr. Tian Congming, consisting of 6 delegates. Thedelegation wishes to have exchanges on ethnic and religious affairs with your parliamentarians,so we think that the ecclesiastical committee might be the right counterpart to meet with ourdelegation. So we want to ask your kind help to arrange a meeting (about 1 hour) between yourcommittee and the delegation either on September 17 or 18. Right now we don't have a detailedprogramme, so you can propose which time is more convenient for your committee. Besides, I willalso contact the foreign policy committee and the agriculture committee of the paliament toarrange other meetings on September 17 or 18, since the second purpose of the delegation is tolearn the Danish experience on animal husbandary.I have attached the introduction to our subcommittee, the cv of the head of delegation and thename list, for your information. Hope it can be of help.Many thanks again for your kind help. Please feel free to contact me through email or telephoneif there are any questions.
Best Regards,Mia ZouThird Secretary
Political SectionChinese EmbassyTel (office): 39616103Tel (mobile): 60108486Fax: 39460852