Kirkeudvalget 2011-12
KIU Alm.del Bilag 71
(Bilag 4)
Biographic Sketch of Mr. Tian Congming
Tian Congming, Han ethnie, was born in Shaanxi Province inMay, 1943, and graduated from Beijing Normal University in1970. He ever served as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC InnerMongolia Autonomous Regional Committee, the DeputySecretary of the CPC Tibetan Autonomous Regional Committee,Minister of the State Administration of Radio, Film andTelevision, and President of Xinhua News Agency. Now, heworks as the Chairman of the Subcommittee of Ethnic andReligious Affairs of the 11thNational Committee the ChinesePeople’s Political Consultative Conference, and Chairman of theAll-China Journalists Association.