Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2011-12
KEB Alm.del Bilag 32
Sustainability Lecture: A Social Contract for Sustainability. But what if we fail?
University of Copenhagen is pleased to invite you to the seventh Copenhagen SustainabilityLecture of the year with Professor Hans Joachim Schellnhuber who will give the lecture: “A SocialContract for Sustainability. But what if we fail?” It takes place on the 18thof November from 10 -11 am at the Faculty of Life Sciences.Read more in the attached announcementProf. Schellnhuber is a long-standing member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.He served as chief government advisor on climate and related issues during the German G8/EUtwin presidency in 2007 and as a principal advisor to the European Commission President Barrosofor several years. He is a member of numerous national and international panels addressingscientific strategies and sustainability issues.Feel free to distribute this invitation where appropriate.Kind regards,On behalf of Sustainability Science Center, University of Copenhagen
Venlig Hilsen/Kind regards,Dorthe Hedensted Lund
Adjunkt/Assistant ProfessorSkov & Landskab/Forest & Landscape, DenmarkKøbenhavns Universitet/University of CopenhagenRolighedvej 23DK-1958 Frederiksberg CDenmarkDirect: +45 35 33 16 97[email protected]http://en.sl.life.ku.dk