Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2011-12
KEB Alm.del Bilag 15
Renewable energy consumption soars in2010Consumption of renewable energy increased by 17.4%, while coal consumption fell in 2010.Observed Danish energy consumption grew by 4.5% because of the cold weather. Afteradjusting for this, energy consumption was unchanged compared to 2009.30 September 2011
Share of renewable energy growingDanish consumption of renewable energy increased in 2010 by 17.4% to 170.0 PJ compared with 144.7 PJ in 2009.Thegreatest contributors to the increase of 25.2 PJ were biomass and wind power, which increased by 19.8 PJ and 3.9 PJ,respectively. The large consumption of renewables was especially in connection with electricity and district heatingproduction. Consumption here increased by 21 PJ. This appears in theEnergy Statistics 2010,which were publishedby the Danish Energy Agency today.
This means that renewables covered 20.2% of the Danish adjusted gross energy consumption in 2010. The target in theEnergy Agreement of February 2008 is for renewables to cover 20% by 2011. Calculated in accordance with the EUcalculation method, renewable energy’s share rose from 20.1% in 2009 to 22.3% in 2010. Denmark has an EUcommitment to increase the percentage of renewable energy to 30% by 2020. Production of electricity from renewablesaccounted for 33.1% of Danish domestic electricity supply in 2010. Of this figure, wind power accounted for 20.7%.
Observed energy consumption increased in 2010Observed Danish energy consumption increased in 2010 by 4.5% to 846 PJ. This should be seen in the context ofsignificantly colder weather in 2010 than in 2009. In addition to this there was an increase in economic activity in terms ofgross domestic product (GDP) of 1.7%.
Besides observed energy consumption, the Danish Energy Agency calculates adjusted gross energy consumption, whichis adjusted for fuel linked to foreign trade in electricity and fluctuations in climate with respect to a normal weather year.Adjusted energy consumption in 2010 was unchanged in relation to 2009 at 815 PJ. This unchanged energyconsumption covers a drop of 14.6% in coal consumption, while consumption of natural gas and renewables grew by6.9% and 13.3% respectively in 2010.
As GDP grew by 1.7% in 2010, this means that energy intensity in the Danish economy continues to fall. Adjusted grossenergy consumption fell by 0.5% from 1990 to 2010. Over the same period GDP grew by 37.8%. In 2010, each unit ofGDP therefore accounted for 28% less energy than in 1990.
Adjusted carbon emissions fell - slight increase in the observed emissionsObserved emissions of CO2 from energy consumption increased in 2010 by 0.8%. When adjusted for foreign trade inelectricity and fluctuations in climate, CO2 emissions fell in 2010 by 4.9%. Adjusted CO2 emissions from energy
consumption have fallen by 23.2% since 1990.
For 2010 the total observed emissions of greenhouse gases are estimated at 61.4 mill. tonnes CO2 equivalents against61.0 mill. tonnes CO2 equivalents in 2009, corresponding to an increase of 0.7%. When adjusted for fluctuations inclimate and foreign trade in electricity, the total emissions of greenhouse gases fell by 4.0% in 2010. Observed andadjusted emissions of greenhouse gases fell by 11.4% and 23.8% respectively compared with the base year(1990/1995).
Denmark has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21% in the period 2008-2012 relative to the base year 1990/1995as part of fulfilling its Kyoto commitment, and an important part of the emissions are covered by the EU emissions tradingscheme (ETS). Greenhouse gas emissions from the non-ETS sector have preliminarily been calculated to an increase of1.7% compared to 2009. In addition to emissions of greenhouse gases in Denmark, target achievement also includes theeffects of uptake of CO2 by forests and soil as well as reductions through projects in other countries and purchases ofallowances.
Energy production fell in 2010Total Danish production of primary energy fell by 2.6% to 983 PJ in 2010. Production of crude oil and natural gas fell by5.8% and 2.4%, respectively. Production of renewable energy grew by 11.0% in 2010.
The degree of self-sufficiency was 121% in 2010. In other words, in 2010, Danish energy production was 21% higherthan Danish energy consumption. The degree of self sufficiency was 124% in 2009.
Continued large foreign exchange revenuesThe trade surplus from trade in energy was DKK 12.1 billion in 2010 against DKK 11.5 billion in 2009.The increase isattributable to higher energy prices.
Exports of energy technology and equipment such as wind turbines, district heating pipes, thermostat valves, pumps etc.were DKK 52.2 billion in 2010 against DKK 58.5 billion in 2009. Exports of energy products and equipment in 2010amounted to 9.5% of total Danish exports of goods, compared with 11.7% for the previous year.
Further information:Peter Dal, Chief Advisor, +45 33 92 75 03, e-mail: [email protected]Ture Falbe-Hansen, Head of Media Relations, +45 33 92 68 56, mobil: +45 25 13 78 46, e-mail: [email protected]