Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2011-12
IPU Alm.del Bilag 5
Inter-Parliamentary UnionChemin du Pommier 5, C.P. 330, CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex/Geneva, Switzerland
The 126th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,Recallingthe resolution on "Strengthening democratic reform in emerging democracies, including in NorthAfrica and the Middle East", adopted unanimously by the 124th IPU Assembly (Panama City, 2011), whichurged all parties to refrain from violence and to ensure in particular that human rights are respected; calledon all governments to respect the right to peaceful self-determination of peoples; and expressed concern forthe humanitarian impact of the political changes in the region on vulnerable groups, particularly women andchildren,Also recallingthe resolution entitled "Furthering parliamentary democracy in order to protect human rightsand encourage reconciliation among peoples and partnership among nations", adopted by the 110th IPUAssembly (Mexico City, 2004), in which the Assembly "underlines that the holding of truly free and fairelections based on secret balloting and universal suffrage, monitored by independent election authorities, isalways of paramount importance in the establishment of parliaments reflecting national diversity and,particularly in countries emerging from violent conflict, is essential in consolidating and advancing thereconciliation process" and "calls on parliaments to respect the political rights of opposition parties andfreedom of the press",Expressingits solidarity and sympathy for the Syrian people, whose democratic freedoms and human rightsare being systematically and brutally undermined by their own government,Notingthat sustained and unjustified violence continues to be perpetrated against the Syrian people,including the killing and persecution of protestors, human rights defenders and journalists, denial of access tomedical treatment, and the torture of and violence against men, women and children,Cognizantof the serious humanitarian crisis anddismayedby the mounting loss of life and injury beingcaused by this violence, largely due to armed attacks perpetrated by the Syrian Government against its ownpopulation,Alarmedby these authorities’ use of heavy military equipment, including artillery and combat tanks, againsttowns and other population centres and their resorting to mass murder, arbitrary detentions, forceddisappearances, torture and ill-treatment of detained persons, in particular children,Notingthe need to hold to account the perpetrators of human rights violations, including those that mayamount to crimes against humanity,Also notingthe League of Arab States plan of 2 November 2011 and their decisions of 22 January and 12February 2012 respectively, agreed to by the Syrian Government, which called in particular for an immediateend to violence against protestors, the release of political prisoners, the removal of all tanks and armouredvehicles from the streets and the convening of a meeting in Cairo for dialogue with the opposition,Further notingthe declaration of the League of Arab States of 29 March 2012,Consideringthe repeated demands by the United Nations and the League of Arab States for the SyrianGovernment to honour its commitment to the Arab League plan and to permit the delivery of humanitarianassistance and the evacuation of wounded persons,
Recallingthe decisions of the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, held inGeneva from 28 November to 1 December 2011, on strengthening international humanitarian law anddomestic legislation for disaster-risk reduction, addressing regulatory barriers to providing emergency andtransitional shelter in a rapid and equitable manner after natural disasters, and humanitarian access andassistance,Notingthe United Nations General Assembly resolution of 16 February 2012, which strongly condemned "thecontinued widespread and systematic violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms by the Syrianauthorities, such as the use of force against civilians, arbitrary executions, the killing and persecution ofprotestors, human rights defenders and journalists, arbitrary detention, enforced disappearances,interference with access to medical treatment, torture, sexual violence, and ill-treatment, including againstchildren",Recallingthe statement issued by the President of the UN Security Council on 21 March 2012, in which theSecurity Council expresses its full support for the efforts of Kofi Annan, the Special Joint Envoy of the UnitedNations and the League of Arab States, and his six-point proposal to commit to appoint an empoweredinterlocutor to address the aspirations of the Syrian people; a cessation of violence; the provision ofhumanitarian assistance in affected areas; the release of arbitrarily detained persons; freedom of movementfor journalists; and freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully,Also recallingUnited Nations Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889(2009) and 1960 (2010) on women and peace and security,Further recallingthe resolutions of 29 April 2011, 23 August 2011, 2 December 2011 and 1 and 23 March2012 of the UN Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, andunderscoringthat in its resolutions of 2 December 2011 and 1 and 23 March 2012, the Council stronglycondemns the systematic and widespread violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms that theSyrian authorities continue to commit,Underscoringits respect for the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the Syrian ArabRepublic, andrejectingany external military intervention,Notingthat the Syrian Government held discussions with the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nations andthe League of Arab States, and that it agreed on 27 March 2012, but has not yet implemented, his six-pointproposal, which envisages a UN-supervised ceasefire and the establishment of political dialogue betweengovernment and opposition groups,Concernedby the grave risk to regional stability and security posed by the Syrian Government’s use ofviolence rather than dialogue to address calls for reform,Frustratedby the continued failure of the Syrian Government to respond to or implement the decisions andresolutions of international and regional bodies,1.Callsfor an immediate cessation of the violence and human rights violations and abuses in Syria andalso callsfor full compliance by all parties with international human rights and internationalhumanitarian law obligations;Supportsthe efforts of international and regional organizations to bring about a peaceful end to thecrisis in Syria;Urgesthe United Nations and the League of Arab States to redouble their efforts to assist in bringingabout an end to armed violence in Syria and to address the current humanitarian crisis;Supportsthe unprecedented leadership and efforts of the Joint Special Envoy of the United Nationsand the League of Arab States and his six-point proposal for resolving the situation in Syria;Calls uponthe Syrian Government to honour its commitment to this proposal and its earliercommitment to the Arab League Plan, including withdrawing military personnel from cities, endingthe use of heavy weapons, releasing political prisoners and cooperating fully and immediately withthe United Nations and humanitarian organizations to facilitate the unhindered and safe provision ofhumanitarian assistance and to allow the evacuation of the wounded from affected areas;Urgesthe commencement of an inclusive political process in Syria to address the legitimatedemocratic aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people;Underscoresthat this political process must be conducted in an environment free of violence, torture,fear, intimidation, discrimination and extremism;Expressesthe hope that this process can lead to an all-inclusive democratic political system, in whichall citizens are equal;Underscoresthe pivotal role the IPU can play in coming to the assistance of emerging democracies,
fostering political reconciliation and the peaceful settlement of conflicts, and in upholding andprotecting the principles of representative democracy, human rights and gender equality;Requeststhe IPU to dispatch an international parliamentary fact-finding mission to the Syrianterritories to examine the reality of the situation arising from the violence and the deliberatehampering of the activities of international and Arab relief organizations, and to issue an urgentreport to the IPU membership with a view to taking the necessary measures;Urgesparliaments to provide all necessary humanitarian assistance to all persons in Syria affected bythe violence and to participate in making immediate preparations for extending such assistance,including in neighbouring countries;Supportsthe continuation of diplomatic and economic sanctions on the Syrian Government until sucha time as the situation improves significantly;Requeststhe IPU President to report on the implementation of this resolution at the 127th IPUAssembly and at the United Nations.
The delegations from Chile, Cuba, South Africa, Uganda and Viet Nam expressed a reservation on operativeparagraph 12, while the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran (the Islamic Republic of), the SyrianArab Republic and Venezuela rejected the entire resolution, which, in their view, was unbalanced.HOME PAGE IPU ASSEMBLY MAIN AREAS OF ACTIVITY IPU STRUCTURE AND DOCUMENTS