Grønlandsudvalget 2011-12
GRU Alm.del Bilag 18
Energies of the High North: 23–24 January 2012 (Policy part)Monday 23 January, 09:00 to 16:00University of Tromsø, Store Auditorium, Teorifagbygget/ Main Auditorium, TheoreticalDisciplines Building, University of TromsøOpening of Arctic Frontiers 2012:09:00 Jarle Aarbakke, Rector of University of Tromsø & Salve Dahle, Chairman ofSteering committee of Arctic Frontiers09:15 Representative from The Norwegian Sami Parliament: Address to Arctic Frontiers09:25 Announcement of chairs, Salve Dahle

Chairs: Pia Svensgaard, Chair of the Troms County Government, and Ole Lindefjeld,

Research Director ConocoPhillips Norway

Session I: State of the Arctic 2012 in the context of the global energy outlook09:30 Thomas B. Johansson, Co-Chair, Global Energy Assessment:Setting the scene -global energy outlook and the Arctic.10:00 Ola Borten Moe, Norwegian Minister of Petroleum and Energy:Challenges forNorwegian energy policies ahead.10:25 Responsible climate politician – maybe from Sweden or Finland or US:From oil andgas to renewable energy.10:50Coffee break11:10 Energy Dialogue: moderated panel debate with the Minister, Dr. Johansson, Climatepolitician and Nina Jensen from WWF –Climate commitments and realism in energypolitics.11:40 Gustaf Lind, Arctic Council SAO Chair and Ambassador to the Arctic,Foreign Ministry of Sweden:How the global energy outlook will affect the Arctic.12:05 Vyacheslav Pavlovsky, Ambassador to Norway for the Russian Federation:Russia asglobal energy supplier.12:30 Clément Gignac, Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, Quebec, Canada:Priorities for energy politics in Quebec.12:55 Lisa Murkowski, Senator for the state of Alaska, USA:Video speech about prioritiesfor energy politics in the USA and in Alaska.13:05LunchSession II: Energy resources and industrial development in the Arctic14:00 Marcia McNutt, Executing director of U.S. Geological Survey:Hydrocarbonresources in the Arctic and challenges ahead for operators in the petroleum sector.14:30 Igor Fyodorov , Governor of Nenets Autonomous Area, Russian Federation:Priorities for the development of industry in Nenets Autonomous Area.15:00 Joep Coppes, Vice president of the International Association of Oil and GasProducers:For a sustainable development in the High North, how can the oil and gasindustry contribute?15:30 Ann Christin Gjerdseth, Chair of OG21, Norway:Title to be confirmed.16:00 Plenary discussion and summary by chairs.16:3018:0019:30Buses to downtown TromsøPerformance by Jo Strømgren Kompani and Riksteateret at Tromsø Centre ofPerforming Arts (Kulturhuset)Conference banquet at Radisson SAS Hotel
Energies of the High NorthTuesday 24 January, 09:00 to 17:00University of Tromsø, Store Auditorium, Teorifagbygget/ Main Auditorium, TheoreticalDisciplines Building

Chairs: Jens Johan Hjort, Mayor of Tromsø, and Elena Kudryashova (tbc), Rector of

Northern Arctic Federal University in Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation

Session II (continued): Energy resources and industrial development in the Arctic09:00 Salve Dahle, Chairman of Steering committee: Opening day 209:05 Tim Dodson, Executive vice president Statoil, Norway:Title to be confirmed.09:35 Valborg Lundegaard, Executive Vice President Engineering, Aker Solutions,Norway:Technological achievements in the Arctic for more than 100 years - Whatare the Arctic challenges facing us now.10:05 Coffee breakSession III: Developing secure and sustainable energy projects in the High North10:30 Dmitry Kobylkin, Governor of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, RussianFederation:Priorities for the development of industry in Yamal-Nenets.11:00 Nina Jensen, Conservation Director Policy, WWF-Norway:Title to be confirmed.11:30 Naikanchina Anna Pavlovna, Vice president of Raipon, Russian Federation:Title tobe confirmed.12:00 Arctic Frontiers Emerging Leaders:Energies of the High North.12:30 Lunch13:30 Ånund Killingtveit, Professor Department of Hydraulic and EnvironmentalEngineering, NTNU, Norway:Title to be confirmed.14:00 Elisabeth Harstad, Managing Director, DNV Research and Innovation, Norway:Barents 2020 – international industry cooperation for safety standards in the BarentsSea. Are there Pan-Arctic lessons?14:30 Martin Fortier, Executive Director ArcticNet Inc., Canada:Title to be confirmed.15:00 Arctic Lavvo Dialogue – "Energy and Industrial Development and Peoples in theArctic: Improving Impact Assessment and Mechanisms of Engaging Societies andIndustry." Moderated debate.16:00 Closing by Salve Dahle, Chairman of Steering committee of Arctic Frontiers16:15 Buses to hotels18:00 Theatre performance at Hålogaland Theatre20:30 Mingling and food at Hålogaland Theatre