Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 303
An Comhchoiste um Chumarsáid,
Acmhainní Nádúrtha agus
Teach Laighean
Baile Átha Cliath 2
Teil: (01) 618 3717
Joint Committee on Communications,
Natural Resources and Agriculture
Leinster House
Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 618 3717
7 June 2012To all Chairpersons of relevant Committees of National Parliaments.
Dear Chairperson,Re: Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 2014 to 2020.
I am directed by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agricultureto refer to a Political Contribution published today by the Committee on Reform of the CommonAgricultural Policy (CAP) 2014 to 2020. A copy of the Contribution is attached.I am further directed by the Committee to state that the Contribution is a considered response by theIrish Parliament to the CAP reform proposals. In this regard, the Committee has sought the views of Mr.Dacian Ciolos, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, on the concerns raised in theContribution.Finally, I am directed to state that in the interests of interparliamentary cooperation on EU matters, theCommittee agreed that it would be helpful to forward this contribution to the appropriate Committee ineach Member State’s National Parliament and to the Chairperson of the European Parliament (EP)Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. As you will see the Committee has a number ofconcerns, some of which we believe may be shared by our colleagues in other Parliaments.Thank you for your assistance.Yours sincerely,
________________Andrew Doyle, T.D.
Joint Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture.