Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 297
Ref. Ares(2012)672884 - 06/06/2012
Agri.Kl/ EM/gp 0(2012)745234Subject:Invitation to the Conference"The CAP towards 2020-taking stockwith civil society",Brussels, Charlemagne building, 13 July 2012
Communication for the attention of the Permanent Representatives of the nationalparliaments in BrusselsDear Sir or Madam,I refer to the conference"The CAP towards 2020-taking stock with civil society",tobe held in Brussels on Friday 13 July at the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 17Ö,from 9h00 until 18h00.Mr Dacian Ciólos, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development has asked meto contact you on his behalf about this event. He would be very pleased if you couldarrange for the nomination of one representative of your national parliament to attend theconference.This conference will provide a forum for civil society, representatives of the MemberStates and the EU institutions to debate the reform proposals for the CAP towards 2020adopted by the Commission on 12 October 2011, and to discuss the degree to which theycontribute to meeting the challenges identified during the public debate which waslaunched by Commissioner Ciólos in 2010, and which culminated in the summing-upconference"The CAP post 2013"on 19/20 July 2010.In particular, the following issues will be addressed:• To what extent the future CAP and the proposed combination of policy tools willcontribute to food security• To what extent the new CAP will contribute to a more sustainable management ofnatural resources and to mitigation and adaptation to climate change• To what extent the new CAP will contribute to a balanced territorial development ofEuropean agriculture and rural areasKindly note that for the plenary session of the conference, interpretation in all twenty twolanguages will be available. For the workshops, English, French, German, Italian,Spanish, and Polish will be available.The draft agenda is attached to this letter.Kindly send us as soon as possible, and no later than 15 June 2012, your nominateddelegate to the email addressCommission européenne/Europese Commissie, 1049 Bruxelles/Brussel, B E L G I Q U E / B E L G I É - Tel. +32 22991111Contact: [email protected]
AGRI-CONF-CAP-2020(@ec.europa.eu . At the same time, and no later than 15 June2012, kindly register your nominated delegate online for the conference on the websitehttps://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fmi/scic/CAP 12/registration 1 .php . Registered delegateswill then receive a confirmation letter by e-mail.More information on the conference can be foundhttp://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/events/cap-conference-2012 en.htmonthewebsite

Please note that travel and accommodation expenses for this conference will not be

covered by the Commission.

We look forward to welcoming the representatives of the national parliaments to ourconference.Yours sincerely,i-our ie Directeur Génrral empêchéLoreita DGR^AL MARINODirecteur Général Adjoint


Draft conference programme