Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 297
Ref. Ares(2012)672884 - 06/06/2012
The CAP towards 2020 - Taking stock with civil societyDraft ProsrammeOpening session9:00 - 9:059:05- 9:159:15-9:259:25-9:35Introduction by the CommissionDacian CIÓLOS, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentSofoclis ALET RARIS, Minister for Agriculture, Natural Resources andEnvironment of the Republic of Cyprus, President in Office of the CouncilCzesław SIEKIERSKI, Vice-Chairman, Committee on Agriculture andRural Development of the European Parliament
9:35 - 11:00 Plenary sessionModerator: José Manuel SILVA RODRIGUEZ, Director-General, DG Agricultureand Rural DevelopmentSpeakers:João PACHECO, Deputy Director General, DG Agriculture and Rural DevelopmentHervé GUYOMARD, Director, Institut National Recherche AgricoleDavid BALDOCK, Director, Institute for European Environmental PolicyMaria Teresa PINTO CORREIA (tbc). Professor, Landscape Management, University ofEvoraKen ASH, Director, Trade and Agriculture Directorate, OECD11:00 -11:30Coffee break
11:30 -13:00
Parallel Workshops
Workshop 1:CAP and food securityChairman:Hervé GUYOMARD (Director, Institut National Recherche Agricole, FR)
Speakers: T assos HANIO IS (Director, Economic analysis, perspectives,Tevaluations, DG Agriculture and Rural Development), Luca SALVAT ICI (Professor,University of Rome III, IT), Kostas ST AMOULIS (Director, Agricultural Developmenteconomics Division, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), EL), SusanneLANGGUTH (Chair of the agricultural policy group of the European Confederation ofthe Food and Drink Industry (FoodDrinkEurope, DE), Young farmer representative....Rapporteur:IT).Alessandro SORRENT INO (Professor, Economics, University of Tuscia,
Workshop!:CAP and natural resourcesChairman:UK)David BALDOCK (Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy,
Speakers:Martin Scheele (Head of Unit, Environment, genetic resources andEuropean Innovation Partnership, DG Agriculture and Rural Development), ArielBRUNNER (Head of EU Policy, Birdlife International, IT), Eugenia POMMARET (tbc)(Environmental Director, FNSEA, FR), Rainer OPPERMANN, Director, IFAB (GermanInstitute of Agroecology and Biodiversity, DE), Thomas BERTILSSON (Member ofCOPA, Co-chair of the ENRD focus group on environmental services, SE).Rapporteur: Peter NOWICKI (Researcher, Agricultural Economics Research Institute,Wageningen, NL)
Workshop 3:CAP and balanced territorialdevelopmentChairman:Maria Teresa PINTOManagement, University of Évora, PT)CORREIA(tbc)(Professor,Landscape
Speakers:José Manuel SOUSA UVA (Director, Horizontal aspects of ruraldevelopment, DG Agriculture and Rural Development), Petri RINNE, President ELARD(EU-wide Leader organisation, FI), Prof. Otmar SEIBERT (tbc) (Researcher, Agriculturaland local rural development, DE), Goran SOSTER (Coordinator, PREPARE Network,SI), Eduardo MOVANO (Director of the Institute of Advanced Social Studies (CSIC),ES).Rapporteur: Adrian NEAL (Team Leader of European Network of Rural DevelopmentContact Point)
Lunch break
Second part of parallel Workshops 1, 2 and 3
Coffee break
Plenary sessionSynthesis of the Workshops by the rapporteurs and discussionCzesław SIEKIERSKI, Vice-Chairman, Committee of Agricultureand Rural Development of the European ParliamentSofoclis ALETRARIS, Minister for Agriculture, NaturalResources and Environment of the Republic of Cyprus, Presidentin Office of the CouncilDacian CIÓLOS, Commissioner for Agriculture and RuralDevelopment