Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 162

Conference on Future Meat Inspection

Invitation to the Danish Presidency’s Conference on the Future Meat Inspection

2 and 3 February 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is organizing a Conference on The FutureMeat Inspection on 2 - 3 February 2012 during the Danish Presidency.The Conference will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark with participants from MemberStates, some third countries, The Commission and the European stakeholders.On behalf of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration I would very much like to inviteyou to attend.The objective of meat inspection is to protect public health, animal health and animal welfare.The traditional meat inspection has been conducted for more than 100 years and theperformance of meat inspection is still targeting hazards well known at that time.Today, both in Europe and elsewhere in the world some of the old hazards have been eradicatedand replaced by others, which latest has been described in a scientific report published byEFSA.The aim of the Conference will be to discuss- Which parts of the traditional meat inspection is still relevant- How can we modernize meat inspection to protect public health towards new hazards- How do we implement conclusions from the EFSA reportand address risks on a risk based approach- Responsibilities – competent authorities versus FBO- How do we cooperate and consider third country requirementThe Conference will consist of both sessions and workshops. There will be a “Get togetherevent” on 1 February and a Conference dinner at 2 February.
For detailed information please see the preliminary agenda and the practical folder.Link to registration is in the practical folder. The registration deadline is 13 January 2012.The number of attendants is limited and confirmation can be expected by 16 January.
Yours sincerely,
Annelise FengerDeputy Director/Chief Food Safety Officer1/1Mørkhøj Bygade 19DK 2860 SøborgTlf. +45 72 27 69 00www.fvst.dkE-mail: [email protected]