Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 158


Steen Gade


25. januar 2012 10:53


Rene Christensen


Steen Gade


VS: Fwd: Proposal for Co-operation with the Folketing Committee on Food, Agriculture and Fisheriesfor Baltic Forum on CFP Reform
Kære Rene.Jeg fremsender hermed et brev fra Globe Europe til dig som formand for fødevareudvalget. – Somdu måske ved er jeg formand for Globe Europe. Det er et tværpolitiskt netværk afmiljøinteresserede politikere i hele Europa. Det er i den egenskab jeg videresender brevet til digfor at høre din – og udvalget mening om at følge det op med et værtsskab for en konference her iforåret.Som du ved har Danmark fra før valget en rigtig god vedtagelse om den fællesfiskeripolitik, derligger meget på linje med den, som Globe samfundet har vedtaget ( se henvisning i brevet). Detvigtige her er, om du vil anbefale, at udvalget står som værter sammen med Globe for enkonference ,der afvikles på en dag og om du tror, at udvalget vil bakke op og møde op med rimeligdeltagelse – 5 f.eks.Programmet kan så laves i fællesskab eller overlades til Globe Europe alt efter udvalgets smag oglyst.Bedste hilsenerSteen GadeDear Mr Christensen,Since 2009 the GLOBE community of parliamentarians has been actively seeking to buildconsensus on the need to rethink global use of marine resources.In 2010 GLOBE UK organised an European Parliamentary Forum on World Oceans Day in London,under the patronage of Queen Noor of Jordan, with keynote speeches by Commissioner Damanakiand the German Environment Minister and attended by MPs from some of the key EU fishingnations (UK, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Denmark, Italy and France), with the aim of forging aprogressive political consensus ahead of the publication of the Commission's proposal for thereform of the CFP. TheGLOBE Parliamentarians Declaration on Common Fisheries Policy Reformagreed by the participating MPshttp://www.globeinternational.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/GLOBE-Parliamentarians-Declaration-on-Common-Fisheries-Policy-Reform1.pdf,established a set of principle ambitions for the 2012 Common Fisheries Policy. These18 ambitions for Europe’s fisheries were agreed by the Forum to be the necessary components ofany new regulation in order to achieve a healthy marine environment and sustainable fishingindustry for future generations, and furthermore enable Europe to restore its record and 'take globalleadership' on sustainable fisheries management and ocean governance.
The GLOBE community in Europe notes that 'regionalisation' is one of the central pillars of theCommission proposal for the reform of the EU Common Fisheries Policy, but that what this maymean in practice is to be established as the political discussions unfolds over the coming months.For this reason, the GLOBE community in Europe believes that it would be very useful to bringtogether parliamentarians of the Baltic region during the Danish EU Presidency to develop anunderstanding of the implications and features of a successful future 'regionalised' EU fisheriesregime in the Baltic, building on GLOBE's work on the subject.Such a gathering could beformalised as a parliamentary conference in the fringes of the ordinary Folketing activity, orperhaps as a "regional hearing" formally hosted by the Committee.Thank you in advance for your consideration.Rafael J. AybarGLOBE Europe Secretary