Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2011-12
FLF Alm.del Bilag 144
Conference on Trade, Development and AgricultureConcord Denmark and Danish Agriculture & Food CouncilFebruary 28th 2012, 10.00 – 15.00Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, Copenhagen
The relationship between trade, development and agriculture is complex and increasingly interlinked. Tradecan be a powerful engine for economic growth and development, but many developing countries have notyet gained from global trade. During the Danish EU Presidency the EU Commission will launch a revision ofits Trade and Development Strategy, which aims to increase the integration of developing countries into theglobal trade. Furthermore, negotiations on the reform of EUs Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) are currentlyongoing. Both could potentially have a significant impact on developing countries.The global food crisis in 2008 showed that policy responses in trade, development and agriculture areintertwined and mutually reinforcing. Political decisions in one part of the world affect other parts of the world.The objective of this conference on Trade, Development and Agriculture is therefore to identify and discussthe positive and negative synergies between trade, development and agriculture – from the perspective offarmers in the EU and the developing countries.The conference is jointly hosted by Concord Denmark and the Danish Agriculture & Food Council. Thepurpose of this unique collaboration is to further a strong and inclusive dialogue on these important issuesbetween all relevant stakeholders.ParticipationFor participation please send an e-mail with your name and company/organisation to Ms. Eva FriisMortensen, Danish Agriculture & Food Council,[email protected],no later thanMonday February 20th 2012.
THE ORGANISATIONS BEHINDConcord Denmarkis a network of 40 Danishdevelopment organizations working for more coherentand fair EU development policies and the activeinvolvement of civil society in EUs decision making.Concord Denmark is member of Concord Europe whichrepresents1800developmentandhumanitarianorganizations across Europe.Danish Agriculture & Food Councilis a tradeassociation representing agriculture, the food and agroindustries. With annual exports in excess of EUR 13billion, we represent one of Denmark's most importantbusiness sectors. Through innovation and promotion ofthe industry's contribution to global food supply as wellas advanced agricultural management and productiontechniques, we work to ensure a strong position foragricultural and food producers in the value chain.
Conference on Trade, Development and AgricultureConcord Denmark and Danish Agriculture & Food Council
February 28th 2012 at 10.00 – 15.00Axelborg, Axeltorv 3, Copenhagen
SESSIONI: TRADE, DEVELOPMENT ANDAGRICULTUREModerated by Danish Agriculture & Food Council10.30Post-2013 EU Common Agricultural Policy, Trade and Development: A way forward?By Paul Goodison, European Research Office10.50Barriers and possibilities created by EU’s trade and agricultural policiesBy Spokesperson from the ACP (tbc)11.10The EU's CAP on the move in a changing worldBy Leonard Mizzi, Head of Unit, DG-Agri, European Commission11.30Barriers and possibilities in sourcing food products from developing countries to European consumersBy Thomas Bagge Olesen, CEO, FDB (FDB owns Coop, Denmark’s largest consumer goods retailer)11.50Ensuring a sustainable CAP in Europe which takes developing countries into considerationBy Mette Gjerskov, Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries12.1012.35Questions from the audienceLunch
SESSIONII: EUROPEANCOMMISSIONS INITIATIVE ONTRADE ANDDEVELOPMENTModerated by Concord Denmark13.20The contribution of EU’s Trade and Development Communication to development and its interactionwith the CAPBy Peter Thomson, Director DG Trade, European Commission (tbc)13.40European farmers’ view on how to achieve coherence between agriculture, trade and developmentBy Pekka Pesonen, Secretary-General, Copa-Cogeca14.00Civil society perspectives on Trade and Development and how to ensure coherence in EU’s trade,development and agricultural policiesBy Oliver Consolo, Director, Concord Europe (tbc)14.20Increasing the future impact of Trade and DevelopmentBy Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation
Questions from the audience