Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 83
Deutscher BundestagCommittee on Education, Research andTechnology AssessmentThe ChairwomanThe Rapporteurs for TechnologyAssessment
The President of the Danish Parliament,Mr Mogens LykketoftFolketinget, Christiansborg1240 København KDenmark
Berlin, December 22, 2011Ulla Burchardt, MPPlatz der Republik 111011 BerlinPhone: +49 30 227-33543Fax: +49 30 227-36845[email protected]Building:Konrad-Adenauer-Straße 1Paul-Löbe-HausRoom 1 342
Statement for the parliamentary hearing on thepossible closure of the Danish Board of Technology(Teknologirådet)Dear Mr. President Lykketoft,As chairwoman of the Committee on Education,ResearchandTechnologyAssessmentandparliamentary rapporteurs for Technology Assessmentrepresenting all parliamentary groups of the GermanBundestag we wish to express our deepest surprise tohear about the possible decision to close down theDanish Board of Technology (Teknologirådet) as partof the national budget for 2012.As members of the parliamentary committee foreducation and research we highly appreciate that wecan draw on the support of the TechnologyAssessment Unit at the German Parliament incomplex and contested issues of S&T policy making.As partners in the European ParliamentaryTechnology Assessment network we are aware ofDBT’s outstanding practice and highly esteem DBT asa leading organisation in Parliamentary TechnologyAssessment and in public participation in S&T issuesin Europe.Today parliaments are facing many challengingissues in the field of S&T that ask for informed andintense political and societal discourse as well as forknowledge based decision making. It is thereforedifficult to understand that Denmark wants to deprive
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itself of an institution that has shown in many respectits competences and skills in facilitating debate anddecision making on S&T in the best possible way.We are sure that an evaluation of the work of DBTwill make the Danish Parliament reconsider thedecision to close DBT and will open up ways tocontinue public funding for an institution with aunique professional profile and an essential publicfunction.With the deepest respectYours sincerely,Ulla Burchardt, MPDr. Thomas Feist, MPRené Röspel, MPProf. Dr. Martin Neumann, MPDr. Petra Sitte, MPHans Josef Fell, MP