Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 251
Statement UASnet on the rules of participation in Horizon 2020IntroductionThe Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) of ten European countries are united in the European networkUASnet.The members of the network have a potential key role in the European innovation chain. Not only by contributing toinnovation through projects with industry and the public sector, but also as the main provider of the skilled staffworking in industry and the public sector implementing outcomes of innovation in new products and services. Theclose links of the UAS to industry and the public sector in the EU (such as health care, education and social services)give the network a unique position. The partners work together to promote and strengthen the integration andcontribution of the UAS sector within the research and innovation strategy of Europe. By doing this they aim tocontribute to the EU 2020 strategy; to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.ProcessIn the coming months the European Council and the European Parliament will propose and discuss amendments to theRules for Participation and Dissemination in Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research andInnovation. The European Universities of Applied Sciences Network would like to convey to the Council and theParliament a statement regarding Horizon 2020. We ask the Council and the Parliament to take this statement intoaccount when discussing proposed changes to the Rules for Participation and Dissemination.StatementAs key players in the innovation chain, the Universities of Applied Sciences have an important role in achieving thegoals of Horizon 2020. Innovation is justifiably placed at the heart of EU 2020, since Europe’s future economicgrowth and jobs will increasingly have to come from innovation in products, services and business models. WithHorizon 2020, the European Union will have a powerful and effective instrument to profoundly foster Europeaninnovation, research and development. Horizon 2020 focuses more than ever on turning scientific breakthroughs intoinnovative products and services that provide business opportunities and change people’s lives for the better. To keepthis focus in further elaboration, the UASnet strongly advices to take underlying remarks into account.1) In general, the UASnet welcomes the uniting of all European Research and innovation programmes andsimplificationof participation through a single set of rules.2) All three evaluation criteria; excellence, impact and implementation, are important as together they cancapture the full scope of the actions that will be supported under Horizon2020, including those aimedtowards the market and social innovation. The UASnet agrees that all the proposals must be excellent, whichcan be determined within the context and goals of the proposals. Therefore the definition ofexcellence callsfor a broader perspective than traditional indicators such as publications and citations.To realise thegoals of Horizon 2020 - to foster innovation by transferring knowledge to the market and community in themost efficient and useful way -impact and implementation are equally important criteria.As theEuropean Commission already mentioned, the further development of the criteria should be determined bythe purpose of the project and objectives of the specific programme. The UASnet believes the purpose of theproject should also influence the weight of the criteria. For example, during assessing the more applied-oriented calls a heavier weighting should be given to the impact criterion.3) The UASnet supportsthe focus on involvement of industry and especially the SME’s.SME’s are themajor creators of jobs in Europe and the existing gap between academia and the market must be bridged.SME’s are the ones facing the biggest challenge regarding transfer of technology. They should be providedwith a clear framework to access Horizon2020 programmes to increase their participation. The access ofSME’s to financing should be encouraged. The UASnet welcome the introduction of the SME-instruments.
The members in UASnet are from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Flanders (Belgium), France, Ireland, Lithuania,the Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland.Contact: Secretary General UASnet, Annelieke van Schie,[email protected]