Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 157
Innovation and IndustryHow to harvest the full potential fromthe ESS facility ?Peter Høngaard Andersen, cand.scient., dr.medSenior Vice President, Corporate affairs
IntroductionInside the ESS facility• Research excellence• Providing service
Outside the ESS facility• Research support activities• Translation – from basic research to commercial products• Infrastructure
Public Research Institutions (PRI’s) are expected to contribute to theSociety funding their existence = Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR)• PRI’s are responsible for educating the next generation• PRI’s are responsible for conducting high level Researchand contribute with expert knowledgeBut• PRI’s are not (cheap) CRO’s
Public investment in Researchand related infrastructures istypically more than matchedby private investments
From: “C O M M E R C I A L A T T R A C T I V E N E S S O FB I O M E D I C A L R & D I N M E D I C O N V A L L E Y”, BCG 2002
Inside the ESS facility - I
The ESS facility has three very important objectives:1. Conduct high level Research2. Provide service to outside customers3. Education
New Investments and new Jobs4
Inside the ESS facility - II
The organisation in the ESS facility needs to reflect theseobjectives allowing ”beam time” to all potential usersI recommend a two armed organisation:PrincipalInvestigators“Core facility”• Research• Education• Service providing• Research• Education
Every part of the organization should have clear KPI’s5
Outside the ESS facility - I
To capture the value of the ESS investment a number ofinfrastructural elements needs to be in place:
Supporting Research infrastruturesResearch disciplines linked to the ESS technologyHarvest the output – space for incoming research units andIncubators/”translators”Hotels, housing, transportation, Int. Schools etc
Outside the ESS facility – II
Harvest the output:1. Space for incoming research units: Ensure easy access to space forincoming industrial research units
2. Incubators/”translators”: To support creation of new spinouts theright environment needs to be in place:
CoachingCapital – and don’t copy the american model !HousingCore facilities (CRO-like support from experts)
ConclusionsThe ESS facility is a unique chance for Scandinavia to build a novel center ofScientific excellence and thereby to attract new Investments and create new jobs.To successfully capture the full value from this opportunity it is required that:The organisational infrastructure in the ESS facility is defined the right way and aregiven clear KPI’sWe build (or extend) capabilities in translating inventions to innovationWe ensure the that the supporting Research infrastructure is in place inScandinavia and the general infrastructure is extended in Southern Sweden and theZealand area
But lets see the big vision on what it takesandget an action plan worked outsowe can start executing on this opportunity8