Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 157
Erfaringer fra SNSOak RidgePresented to
Konferencen: Verdens bedstemikroskop (ESS)Ian AndersonOak Ridge National LaboratoryCopenhagen, DenmarkFebruary 24, 2012
En mulighed for udvikling og innovation
Outline•Overview of Oak Ridge National Laboratory
•How ORNL engages with Industry and the local community•The Spallation Neutron Source – a learning opportunity for ESS
•Developing the science and engineering work force of the future
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Oak Ridge National Laboratory evolvedfrom the Manhattan ProjectThe Clinton Pile was the world’s firstcontinuously operated nuclear reactorChemical processing techniqueswere developed to separateplutonium fromirradiated fuel
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Today, ORNL is DOE’s largest scienceand energy laboratory$1.65Bbudget4,400employees3,000researchguestsannually$500MmodernizationinvestmentNation’slargestmaterialsresearchportfolioNation’smost diverseenergy portfolioManagingbillion-dollarU.S. ITERproject
Mostpowerful openscientificcomputingfacility
World’smost intenseneutronsource
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Our distinctive facilities bring thousandsof researchers to ORNL each yearSpallationNeutron Source
Center forNanophaseMaterials Sciences
BuildingTechnologiesResearch andIntegration Center
Oak RidgeLeadershipComputingFacilityDenmark_1202
High FluxIsotopeReactor
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ORNL is a discriminator in recruitingindustry to East TennesseeTalent and facilities providea unique advantage••••Volkswagen Group of AmericaWacker ChemieHemlockConfluence Solar
Active partner in regionaleconomic development• Center forEntrepreneurial Growth• Oak Ridge Scienceand Technology Park
Working with industryto commercializeour innovations• AquaSentinel: SecureWaters• LED North America• NellOne Therapeutics
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Finding new ways to workwith industry•User facilities
•Agreements to CommercializeTechnology•Collaborative research•Sponsored research•Technology licensingand commercialization–Start-up companies–Established firms
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Example 1: Using partnerships toimprove transportation sustainability•Battery development R&D with Nissan
•Building solar electric vehicle (EV) charging stations with EPRI•Deploying EVs and charging infrastructure with ECOtality–Building solar-assisted and conventional charging stations on ORNL campus–Adding Nissan Leaf EVs to fleet–Collecting and analyzing data
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Example 2: BioEnergy Science CenterA multi-institutional, DOE-funded center performing basic and applied sciencededicated to improving yields of biofuels from cellulosic biomassSamuel Roberts Noble FoundationNational RenewableEnergy LaboratoryBrookhaven National LaboratoryCornell University
BESC headquarters at ORNL
Oak RidgeNational LaboratoryUniversity of GeorgiaUniversity of TennesseeDartmouth CollegeWest Virginia UniversityGeorgia Instituteof TechnologyArborGen, LLC
University of MinnesotaWashington State UniversityUniversity of California–RiversideNorth Carolina State University
Virginia Polytechnic InstituteUniversity of California–Los Angeles
Ceres, Inc.Mascoma Corporation
BESC outputs•347 publications•88 invention disclosures•28 patent applications•14 licenses/options9Managed by UT-Battellefor the U.S. Department of EnergyDenmark_1202
322 personnelacross 19 U.S. Institutions
Example 3: Applying petascale computingto accelerate industrial solutionsGeneral Motors•Thermoelectric materialsfor higher fuel efficiency– Atomistic determinationof PbTe-AgSbTe2nanocomposites and growthmechanism explains lowthermal conductivity– DFT predictions of Ag atominterstitial position confirmedby high-resolution TEM– Using improved insightto develop new material
BMI Corporation•Retrofit parts for improvedfuel efficiency and CO2emissions for Class 8long haul trucks–Simulations enable design ofretrofit parts, reducing fuelconsumption by up to 3,700gal and CO2by up to 41 tonsper truck per year–7–12% improvement in fuelefficiency exceeds regulatoryrequirement of 5% for trucksoperating in California
Boeing•Development and correlationof computational toolsfor transport airplanes–Reduced validation timeto transition newer technology(CFD) from research to airplanedesign and development–Demonstrated and improvedcorrelations between CFDand wind tunnel test data
ActualSimulatedNanoprecipitates in single crystal(AgSbTe2)-(PbTe)1810Managed by UT-Battellefor the U.S. Department of EnergyDenmark_1202
Today’s most powerful neutron source:
Spallation Neutron Source•Designed and constructedby a partnership of 6 nationallaboratories•Completed in April 2006, on scope,schedule, and budget•Total procurement: $1,379M–Tennessee procurement: $602M (43.7%)
Unique usersOperating hoursInstrumentsAvailability
•Offering unprecedented performancefor neutron scattering research•Delivering neutrons to hundredsof users
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The industrial neutron user communityis growing•Large and small companies are taking advantageof the unique power of neutrons––––Characterizing large industrial componentsAssessing wear and tear resulting from internal stressesDeveloping advanced materials for energy applicationsUnderstanding, and mimicking, biological molecules for energy and health
•Most research is nonproprietary
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Neutron scattering is providinginsights for energy solutions•High-temperature superconductors
•Environmentally friendly catalysts•Biofuels and bioproducts from lignocellulosic biomass•Thermoelectric materials•Batteries and Energy Storage materials•Fuel cell membranes
•High-performance superalloys•Lightweight materials for sustainable transportation•Carbon capture and storage solutions
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Petascale computing and neutroninvestigation – a formidable combinationHow Proteins workDrug Detoxification
Lyzozyme (shown in blue) – a naturalenzyme found in tears saliva and whites– can break down bacterial cell walls(shown in pink). Together computersimulations and neutron experimentsclarify the complicated motions ofproteins such as lyzozyme into threedistinct classes
Simulations combined with inelasticneutron scattering reveal how watermolecules (seen in red) move in and outof the active site (seen in blue) of a P450enzyme. This class of enzymes isresponsible fro detoxifying a largefraction of drugs taken by humans
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Materials Innovation Infrastructure:An opportunity for the region
Developmentand deployment
Synthesis andcharacterization
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Helping to develop the next generationof scientists and engineers•Providing educational and research experiencesfor students and faculty at all levels–Graduate education programs with an emphasis on interdisciplinaryenergy science and technology–Prestigious postdoctoral fellowships
•Investing in facilities and teachersfor area schools•Participating in regional educationand workforce development efforts
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University partnership and educationalprograms at ORNL reach thousands ofstudents and faculty each yearResearch experiences•40+ programs serve~1,800 studentsand faculty(K–12 throughpostgraduate)each yearORNL events•Tours, National LabDay, etc., bring~5,000 K–12and universitystudents to ORNLeach yearClassroom outreachNew graduate program•Tens of thousands of•UT-ORNLK–12 studentsInterdisciplinaryparticipate each yearPhD programin energy-related–“Farming for Fuels”science and–National GeographicengineeringJASON Project,“Tectonic Fury”–SNS in theclassroom
•Many programs•Human Resourcessupported by ORAU,and Communicationsour science education supports manypartnerof these activities
•Establishing graduateeducationpartnerships withmultiple universities
•The majority of these programs (except K–12) are integratedwith our mission work and paid for with research funds•Individual research groups determine their level of involvement–Staff commitment makes the program work17Managed by UT-Battellefor the U.S. Department of Energy
ORNL graduate research and educationinitiative: Our visionMultidisciplinaryEntrepreneurialTransformational
Expand student researchopportunities in multi-disciplinary science andengineering, leveragingORNL staff, programs, andfacilities
Incorporate entrepreneurialexperiences, includingopportunities to developbusiness plans foraccelerating technologydeployment
Engage students in large-scale, problem-orientedprograms, enablingscientific discoveriesand innovative solutionsto energy-relatedchallenges
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Contributing to continuing growthacross the Innovation Valley
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