Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 157
Making the Most of the ESS:Socioeconomic Impact of a Large-ScaleInvestment in Science Infrastructure
Prof. Christian KetelsHarvard Business School &Stockholm School of Economics
•The acquisition of the ESS is abig successfor the Öresundregion•Some of the benefits from the ESS for the region willmaterializeautomatically•Many of the more important strategic benefits depends onadditional actions
ESS is a Recognition of Regional Quality•The ESS partners have made a significantfinancialcommitmentto attract the investment•But the decision to locate ESS in the Öresund region is morethan a reflection of the willingness to pay
•It acknowledges thescientific capabilitiesof the region•It has shown the willingness ofregional partners tocollaborate
Regional Innovation Scoreboard
ESS as a an Investment: Primary Effects
•Spending on theconstructionsite–EUR 1.38bn over an eight year period–planning assumes 30% of this to be spend in the region
•On-goingemploymentof high-skilled staff(scientists, technicians) at the site•On-goingdemand for services–Estimated at EUR 100m per year
ESS as an Investment: Secondary Effects
•Impact onhouse pricesandconstruction activity•Impact oninfrastructure demand and spending•Multiplier effectof direct spending (construction, on-going) on regional economic activity
ESS as an Opportunity
•Platform fornew types of economic activity•Attractingskills and investment•Positioning the regionglobally
•These benefits will only materializeif the region takesaction
Clusters and Economic Value Creation:Two CasesPalo Alto - SLACGeneva - CERNGenthodMenlo ParkPalo AltoStanfordCupertino••Strong scientific capacityHuge economic value created•
PregnyGenevaAnnemasseStrong scientific capacity
Source: Örjan Sölvell, 2011
Platform for New Types of Economic Activity:How Do Regional Economies Develop?San Diego, USHospitality and TourismSporting andLeather Goods
Climate andGeography
TransformingExisting ClustersPower GenerationAerospace Vehiclesand DefenseCommunicationsEquipmentInformation TechnologyAnalytical InstrumentsEducation andKnowledge Creation
Transportationand Logistics
U.S. Military
Creating a NewTrajectory
Medical Devices
Biotech / Pharmaceuticals
Source: Porter, Monitor Company, Council on Competitiveness (2003)
Platform for New Types of Economic ActivityThe Need for Complimentary Policy Action
Creating a NewTrajectory
TransformingExisting Clusters
Attracting Skills and Capital
•ESS is putting the region on the map
–For what type of people, companies?–How can they be approached?–What else are they looking for?
Positioning the Region GloballyESS as a symbol
Positioning• Identifies, communicates, and strengthensthe specific value proposition of the location
• Improves theeconomic platformfor all clusters andcompaniesESS as an asset
• Accelerates growth inthose fields where thecountry has somestrengths• New clusters emergefrom establishedclusters
Transforming the Global Perception of a Region
The Guggenheim,BilbaoThe Olympics,Barcelona
The Öresund Bridge,Öresund Region
The symbol needs tocommunicate specific attributesabout the Region that itwants to put at the heart of its positioningThe attributes communicated need to becredibleandunderpinned by otheractions
From Positioning to Action Plan
Defining a unique overall position• What roles in the world and regional economy?• What is the unique value as a business location?• For what range or types of business activities?
Priority Policies
Developing unique strengths• What elements of the business environment are critical tothe regional value proposition?Maintaining parity on necessary qualities• What policy improvements are necessary to maintain parity withpeer regions?Putting low emphasis on the rest• What aspects of the business environment are currently oflimited relevance?14Copyright 2011 � Christian Ketels
Best Practices
Integrating ESS in the Regional Economic Strategy
Copyright 2011 � Christian Ketels
Making the Most of ESS…more to play for!
PrimaryEffectsMuch achieved…