Udvalget for Forskning, Innovation og Videregående Uddannelser 2011-12
FIV Alm.del Bilag 122
International Conference on Research InfrastructuresCopenhagen, 21–23 March 2012
WWW.ICRI2012.DKDraft version 1.4
WelcomeDear ParticipantIt gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the International Conference on Research Infrastruc-tures (ICRI 2012) held in Bella Center, on 21–23 March 2012, under the auspices of the Danish Pre-sidency of the European Council and co-organized by the Danish Ministry of Science, Innovation andHigher Education and the European Commission. This will be the 7th major Conference on ResearchInfrastructures, and for the first time the Conference will debate international issues.ObjectivesFollowing the European conferences (ECRI) which started in 2000, this will be the first to addressan international audience on how global research infrastructures can respond to the Grand Chal-lenges: Lessons, Priorities and Future Directions. The Conference will thematically focus on Health,Climate Change, Energy and e-Infrastructures. ICRI 2012 will provide important input to the Euro-pean strategy and to the implementation of the next EU Framework Programme “Horizon 2020”,supporting the strengthening of a global ecosystem of research infrastructures.AmbitionThe purpose of the Conference will be to make specific recommendations on how international co-operation on research infrastructures can be more effective in the future. This may include callingfor a coordinated support and strengthening of existing initiatives, highlighting possible needs foradditional efforts, and developing a vision of open science.Therefore, there is an urgent need to discuss and find ways to act globally to respond to the GrandChallenges.ParticipationParticipation in the Conference is free, but participants are expected to cover their own travel andaccommodation expenses.ICRI 2012 will be a dynamic and interactive conference: audience participation is encouraged and assuch, time will be dedicated to open discussion.Please join us in Copenhagen and share your thoughts and ideas. We look forward to seeing you andhope you enjoy your stay in Denmark.
ICRI 2012 Organizers
21 March 2012 – Wednesday13:30–15:00 Denmark Presidency Welcome and Conference OpeningWelcome AddressUffe Toudal Pedersen,Permanent Secretary, Ministry for Science, Innovation and Higher Educa-tion, DenmarkICRI 2012: A Political VisionMorten Østergaard,Minister for Science, Innovation and Higher Education, DenmarkMáire Geoghegan-Quinn,European Commissioner, Research & InnovationICRI 2012 and the Digital AgendaNeelie Kroes,European Commissioner, Vice-President, Digital AgendaThe International ViewPhilemon Mjwara,GEO co-chair, Director-General, Department of Science and Technology, SouthAfricaIan Chubb,Professor, Australia’s Chief Scientist, AustraliaGrand Challenges in PerspectiveHans Rosling,Department of Public Health Sciences, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden15:00–15:45 Coffee Break15:45–17:30 Plenary Session 1Needs, Development and Operation of Global RIs — Challenges and Drivers for CollaborationChair: Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph,Chair of ESFRI, Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry ofEducation and Research, GermanyRapporteur: Martin Gallagher,Counsellor, Department of Innovation, Science and Research,Australian Embassy and Mission to the European UnionKeynote SpeakerDan Shechtman,Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2011, IsraelThe International ViewPatricia Kelly,Deputy Secretary, Department of Innovation, Industry, Science, Research andTertiary Education, AustraliaFlemming Besenbacher,Chairman of the Carlsberg Foundation, DenmarkJohn Womersley,Chief Executive, Science and Technology Facilities Council, United Kingdom17:30–18:00 Break18:00–19:30 Poster Session and Light Buffet
22 March 2012 – Thursday09:00–10:30 Plenary Session 2Main Characteristics of Global Research InfrastructuresChair: Daniel Adams,Deputy Director-General at the Department of Science and Technology,Alternate GSO delegate, South AfricaRapporteur: Giorgio Rossi,National Laboratory TASC - INFM-CNR, ItalySpeakersAlan Blatecky,Director, Office of Cyberinfrastructure, NSF, United StatesSergio Bertolucci,Director for Research and Computing, CERN, SwitzerlandJanet Thornton,EMBL-EBI Director, United KingdomJacqueline M. McGlade,Executive Director of the European Environment Agency10:30–11:00 Coffee Break11:00–13:00 Parallel Thematic Sessions, Part 1 – Morning SessionGrand Challenges: Research Infrastructures at the Forefront – Specific Needs, Lessons Learntand the Way Forward from Thematic and Cross-cutting AreasHealthTranslational Researchand Clinical TrialsChair: LiselotteHøjgaard,Professor,Rigshospitalet, Copenha-gen University Hospital,DenmarkRapporteur: Jean-Emmanuel Faure,DGResearch & Innovation,European CommissionSpeakers:Nirmal Ganguly,Trans-lational Health Scienceand Technology InstituteNew Delhi, formerDirector General of theIndian Council of MedicalResearch, IndiaSpeakers:Tim Killeen,NSF As-sistant Director for Geo-sciences, United StatesCatherine Mevel,Institutde Physique du Globe deParis, CNRS, Directorof the ECORD ManagingAgency, FranceClimate ChangeExploratory Facilitiesand PlatformsChair: HumbertoDelgado Rosa,DirectorDG CLIMA, EuropeanCommissionRapporteur: Jean-DanielParis,LSCE, CEA, FranceEnergyEnergy SystemsChair: Henrik Bindslev,Vice Dean, Aarhus Uni-versity, EERA Chairman,DenmarkRapporteur: Daan duToit,Counsellor, SouthAfrican Mission to theEuropean Union, SouthAfricaSpeakers:Sergei Ivanets,DeputyMinister of Education andScience of the RussianFederationMinnesh Bipath,SouthAfrican National EnergyResearch Institute, SouthAfricaSpeakers:Kostas Glinos,Head ofUnit Geant & e-Infra-structures, DG Informa-tion Society and Media,European CommissionŽiga Turk,Professor andChair in Construction In-formatics, The Faculty ofCivil and Geodetic Engi-neering at the Universityof Ljubljana, Sloveniae-Infrastructurese-Infrastructure ofGlobal InterestChair: Gudmund Høst,The Research Council ofNorway, NorwayRapporteur: Carlos Mo-rais Pires,DG Informa-tion Society and Media,European Commission
22 March 2012 – ThursdaySpeakers (cont.)Jacques Demotes,IN-SERM ECRIN Coordina-tor, FranceKlaus Lindpaintner,VicePresident of Researchand Development andCSO, SDIX, AustriaJuni Palmgren,Secretary General forResearch Infrastructu-res, Swedish ResearchCouncil, SwedenSpeakers (cont.)Kim Holmén,Internatio-nal Director, NorwegianPolar Institute, NorwayKarin Lochte,AlfredWegener Institute for Po-lar and Marine Research,GermanySpeakers (cont.)Colin Carlile,ChiefExecutive & Director-General of the EuropeanSpallation Source, Swe-denJean Moulin,GeneralAdvisor, Belgian SciencePolicy Office, BelgiumHervé Péro,Head of UnitFission, DG Research& Innovation, EuropeanCommissionSpeakers (cont.)Florencio Utreras,Executive Director ofCLARA (Latin AmericanCooperation of ResearchNetworks), ChileSatoshi Matsuoka,Professor of ComputerScience, Tokyo Instituteof Technology, Japan
13:00–14:00 Lunch14:00–16:00 Parallel Thematic Sessions, Part 2 – Afternoon SessionGrand Challenges: (cont.)HealthBiological ResourceCentresChair: LiselotteHøjgaard,Professor,Rigshospitalet, Copenha-gen University Hospital,DenmarkRapporteur: Jean-Emmanuel Faure,DGResearch & Innovation,European CommissionSpeakers:Isabelle Fortier,Director,P�G (Public PopulationProject in GenomicsObservatory), CandaJoanne Daly,StrategicAdvisor, EnvironmentGroup, CSIRO; Chair ofGlobal Biodiversity Infor-mation System (GBIF),AustraliaSpeakers:James Butler,Directorof Global MonitoringDivision, NOAA ESRL,United StatesAlexia Massacand,GEOsecretariat, Work PlanCoordinator, Switzser-landGelsomina Pappalardo,CNR Istituto di Metodolo-gie per l’Analisi Ambien-tale (CNR-IMAA), ItalyClimate ChangeGlobal Observing Sy-stems, Data GovernanceChair: Carlos MartinezRiera,Chair of ESFRIEnvironment StrategyWorking Group, SpainRapporteur: Jean-DanielParis,LSCE, CEA, FranceEnergyRenewable EnergyChair: Henrik Bindslev,Vice Dean, Aarhus Uni-versity, EERA Chairman,DenmarkRapporteur: Daan duToit,Counsellor, SouthAfrican Mission to theEuropean Union, SouthAfricaSpeakers:Leonardo Beltran,Director of Informa-tion and EnergeticsStudies, Mexican Ministryof Energy, MexicoDiego Martinez-Plaza,Director PlataformaAlmeria Solar, SpainSpeakers:Monica Marinucci,Direc-tor, Oracle Public Sector,Education and ResearchBusiness Unit, ItalyGuy Levesque,Director,Director Programs,Canada Foundation forInnovation, CanadaRhys Francis,Execu-tive Director, AustralianeResearch InfrastructureCouncil, Australiae-Infrastructurese-Infrastructure fore-ScienceChair: Gabrielle Allen,Program Director, Natio-nal Science Foundation,United StatesRapporteur: Carlos Mo-rais Pires,DG Informa-tion Society and Media,European Commission
22 March 2012 – ThursdaySpeakers (cont.)Dagmar Fritze,ExecutiveSecretary of the GlobalBiological Resource Cen-tre Network (GBRCN),GermanyJudy MacArthur Clark,ILAR Council (Internatio-nal Institute for Labora-tory Animal Research),United KingdomSpeakers (cont.)Bob Scholes,NaturalResources and theEnvironment, Council forScientific and IndustrialResearch (CSIR), GEOSS,South AfricaDora Ann Lange CanhosDiretora Associada,Centro de Referência emInforma§ão Ambiental,BrazilSpeakers (cont.)Gabriele Fioni,ChairESFRI WG on Energy,FranceSpeakers (cont.)Brian Vinter,Head ofCentre for eScience, Uni-versity of Copenhagen,Denmark
16:00–16:30 Coffee Break16:30–18:00 Plenary Session 3Data: A Common ChallengeChair: John Wood,Professor, Association of Commonwealth Universities, United KingdomRapporteur: Wouter Los,Professor, University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsSpeakersPeter Wittenburg,Head of The Language Archive Unit, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,GermanyDan Reed,Corporate Vice President, Technology Policy Group, Microsoft, United StatesWang Juanle,Assistant Director, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Re-search, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of ChinaChad Gaffield,President of Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC),Canada18:00–18:30 Break18:30–19:00 Entertainment19:00–21:00 Official ICRI 2012 Dinner
23 March 2012 – Friday09:00–10:00 Summary of Parallel Thematic SessionsChair: Ana Arana Antelo,Head of Unit, Research Infrastructures, DG Research & Innovation,European CommissionSpeakersReports:Rapporteurs of Parallel Sessions, Health, Climate Change, Energy and e-InfrastructuresSummary: John Wood,Professor, Association of Commonwealth Universities, United Kingdom10:00–10:30 Poster Prize Ceremony10:30–11:00 Coffee Break11:00–13:00 Plenary Session 4Moving Global Research Infrastructures ForwardIntroduced byOctavi Quintana,Director, DG for Research & Innovation, European CommissionMario Campolargo,Director, DG Information Society and Media, European CommissionConclusions of ICRI 2012Gonzalo Leon,Vice-President for Research, Polytechnic University of Madrid, SpainKeynote SpeakersBeatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph,Chair of ESFRI, Deputy Director General, Federal Ministry of Educa-tion and Research, GermanyGu Binglin,President, Tsinghua University, People’s Republic of ChinaStavros Malas,Minister for Health of the Republic of Cyprus, CyprusRobert-Jan Smits,Director General, DG for Research & Innovation, European CommissionConnie Hedegaard,Commissioner for Climate Action, European CommissionClosing AddressHans Müller Pedersen,Director General, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation,DenmarkDISCLAIMER: This is a draft programme subject to minor adjustments. The inclusion of names isnot necessarily an indication of confirmed participation. Ascertainment of interest and/or availa-bility is ongoing.
Conference Floor PlanFirst FloorVIP OFFICES123VIP LUNCH
Getting to the Bella Center:Address:Bella CenterCenter Boulevard 5, DK-2300 Copenhagen, Danmark+45 32 52 88 11Website: www.bellacenter.dkBy taxiTaxis are located outside the entrance of Copenhagen Airport.A taxi from Copenhagen Airport to Bella Center takes just 15-20 min and costs about DKK 150-200.Metro:Metro line: Bella Center st (Metro M1)From the Airport take Metro line M2 toward Christianshavn and change to Metro line M1 towardsVestamager takes just 30 min and costs about DKK 40. The Bella Center Metro Station is locatednext to Bella Center’s East Entrance. 5 min walk.More information available at www.m.dk.Bus:Bus line 30 and Bus line 4AMore information available at www.movia.dk.
This publication was prepared by theDanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher EducationFor the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2012)in Copenhagen on 21–23 March 2012.
For further information and registration,please visit the conference website:www.icri2012.dkFor general enquiries, please contact:Conference secretariatDanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher EducationE-mail: [email protected]Tel: +45 72 31 84 72