Finansudvalget 2011-12
FIU Alm.del Bilag 239


Nicosia, 3 September 2012Dear Colleague,On behalf of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus, I am pleased toinvite representatives of your Parliament to attend the Conference of theChairpersons of the Committees on Finance, to be held in Nicosia, on 25 and 26November 2012. The Conference shall be organised as part of the parliamentarydimension of the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU, during the second halfof 2012.I kindly ask you to forward the enclosed invitation letter from the Chairman of theCommittee on Financial and Budgetary Affairs of the House to the Chairperson of thecompetent Committee in your Parliament.Please accept, dear Colleague, the assurances of my highest consideration,Yours sincerely,
Yiannakis L. Omirou,President of the House of Representativesof the Republic of Cyprus