Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 591
Committee on Economic and Monetary AffairsThe Chairwoman
To the attention of the competent Committee Chairpersons in the National Parliaments
Dear Chairperson, Dear Colleague,The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the European Parliament willdiscuss at its meeting of 26 September 2012 (15.00 - 18.30) the draft report onEuropeanSemester for economic policy coordination: implementation of 2012 priorities(2012/2150(INI)(Rapporteur: Mr. Jean-Paul Gauzès).At this occasion, the committee will debate on the assessment of the 2012 European Semesteras well as on the priorities for the 2013 Annual Growth Survey, which will be the basis fornext year's Semester. Furthermore, the Council of the Union adopted on 10 July 2012Country Specific Recommendations, which directly concern your country. With this in mind,the ECON Committee would like to invite National Parliaments to attend this meeting.As the institutional setup of the European Union gradually improves to tackle the economicand financial crisis, it is essential that, at the same time, we develop tools to ensure anappropriate democratic accountability and transparency of decisions at all levels. TheEuropean Semester is an essential element of the new architecture of economic governance inthe Union; we must ensure that parliamentary control is appropriately exercised at all stages.Due to the high importance of the subject matter, we would welcome your personalattendance to express your committee's views on the Country Specific Recommendationsaddressed to your country by the Council of the Union on 10 July 2012 and to comment onthe draft report on the European Semester. In case you would not be able to attend, we wouldwelcome one of your substitutes.The draft agenda, supporting documents and online registration form will be forwarded tothe Brussels representative of your Parliamentary Chamber in due course by the Directoratefor relations with national Parliaments. For further information on the meeting itself, pleasecontact Mr Pierre Ecochard ([email protected]) or Mr Samuel de Lemos([email protected]) of the ECON Committee secretariat.I hope you will accept the invitation and look forward to welcoming you in the EuropeanParliament.With best regards,
Sharon Bowles
[email protected] -

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