Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 590
Committee on Regional Development4rd Interparliamentary Committee Meeting with national Parliaments
Cohesion Policy 2014-2020:Towards a Common Strategic Frameworkand Partnership Contracts11 October 2012 - 9h00 - 12h30József Antall building (JAN) - room 2Q2European ParliamentBrussels
PROGRAMME (PROVISIONAL)8:00 - 9:009:00 - 9:10

Registration of participants:

The Solidarność 1980 Esplanade,József Antall building (JAN) entrance

Welcome and introductory remarks

Mrs Danuta Hübner,ChairpersonCommittee on Regional Development, European Parliament9:10 - 9:409:40 - 10:0010:00 - 10:30Mr Johannes Hahn,Commissioner for Regional Policy,European Commission (TBC)Minister of European AffairsCyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU (TBC)

Launching the debate:

"Partnership-building in a strong multi-annual strategicagreement - key principlesfor programming andimplementation of the future Cohesion Policy":

3 keynote speakers - preferably chairs of Committees

on regional policy from National Assemblies. (tbc)

10:30 - 12:20

Open Debate

between members of the European Parliament and nationalParliaments


Mrs Danuta Hübner,ChairpersonCommittee on Regional Development, European ParliamentCocktail
12:20 - 12:3012:30
Version 15.06.2012