Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 500


Joint letter from Commission President J.M. Barroso and EIB President W. Hoyer to the

Members of the European Council

Reinforcing the capital base of the EIB to support jobs and growth

At its meeting of 30 January 2012, the European Council requested the European Commission andthe European Investment Bank (EIB) to consider possible options to enhance EIB action tosupport growth and to make appropriate recommendations, including possibilities for the EUbudget to leverage EIB financing capacity.The Commission and the EIB believe that restoring growth and competitiveness through fiscalconsolidation and structural reforms could be complemented by support for economically soundinvestments in areas identified by the Europe 2020 Strategy, including in programme andcohesion countries.The attached joint papers set out how a fully paid-in increase of EUR 10 billion in the capital ofthe EIB could support up to EUR 60 billion of additional financing over the next three to fouryears. Including investment from other providers of finance, this would unlock up to EUR 180billion for investments in key sectors of the EU economy, such as innovation and skills, SMEsand mid-cap companies, resource efficiency and strategic infrastructure.The EIB's ability to act as a catalyst for private and public investment, together with an enhanceduse of joint Commission-EIB financial instruments, would ensure that Member States'contributions to the EIB capital represent a smart investment in Europe's future and another signalthat we are determined to act together to achieve our common goals.
Jose Manuel Barroso
Werner Hoyer