Europaudvalget 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 495
Dear ...,The European project is going through a serious crisis of confidence. Many people wonderwhether we will succeed in mastering the sovereign debt crisis, which has long since acquireda political dimension and is fanning doubts about the very idea of Europe. To secure theEuropean project in the long term, we must be able to restore confidence in the short term. Toachieve this, we need a long term perspective stressing Europe’s determination to uphold itsinterests.In March of this year, an informal group of European Foreign Ministers met to reflecttogether on the future of Europe beyond the current crisis and held several meetings. Thisinitiative rests on the conviction: if we are aware of our objectives, we will be able to tacklethis acute crisis better and take the right decisions. We are convinced that it is crucial to stirup the political debate on Europe’s future shape in the European Union member states.Enclosed please find attached an Interim report we drafted jointly after three rounds ofdiscussions in Berlin, Brussels and Vienna, which contains the personal opinions of theparticipants. Further meetings are to follow.I would be delighted to have your assessment, your opinion and proposals on this Interimreport.Yours sincerely,