-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Sendt: 14. oktober 2011 10:33
Til: Signe Riis Andersen
Emne: FFII urges EP Civil Liberties Committee to formulate opinion on
Dear Members of Cosac, Dear Permanent Representatives,
Please find below an FFII letter to the European Parliament Civil
Yours sincerely,
Ante Wessels
Dear Members of the Civil Liberties Committee,
In the coming months, the Parliament will have to take a decision on
whether to
give consent to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement). Research has
serious fundamental rights issues. We call upon you to formulate an
opinion on
A group of prominent European academics published an opinion on ACTA.
They conclude
that certain ACTA provisions are not entirely compatible with EU law and
directly or indirectly require additional action on the EU level. They
invite "the
European institutions, in particular the European Parliament, and the
legislators and governments, to carefully consider the above mentioned
points and,
as long as significant deviations from the EU acquis or serious concerns
fundamental rights, data protection, and a fair balance of interests are
properly addressed, to withhold consent." [1]
An INTA Committee commissioned study acknowledges deviations from EU law.
The study
concludes: "There does not therefore appear to be any immediate benefit
from ACTA
for EU citizens". [2]
The Greens / EFA group commissioned two studies, on ACTA and Access to