[CONSCIOUS of the obligation of the Contracting Parties, as Member States of the European
Union, to regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern,
DESIRING to promote conditions for stronger economic growth in the European Union and, to that
end, to develop ever-closer coordination of economic policies within the euro area,
BEARING IN MIND that the coordination of the economic policies of the Contracting Parties, as
Member States of the European Union, is based on the objective of sound and sustainable
government finances as a means of strengthening the conditions for price stability and for strong
sustainable growth underpinned by financial stability, thereby supporting the achievement of the
Union's objectives for sustainable growth and employment,
BEARING IN MIND that the need for governments to prevent a government deficit becoming
excessive is of an essential importance to safeguard the stability of the euro area as a whole, and
accordingly requires the introduction of specific rules to address this need, including the need to
take necessary corrective action,
CONSCIOUS of the need to ensure that their deficits remain below 3 % of their gross domestic
product at market prices and that government debt is below, or sufficiently declining towards, 60 %
of their gross domestic product at market prices,
RECALLING that the Contracting Parties, as Member States of the European Union, should refrain
from adopting any measure which could jeopardise the attainment of the Union's objectives in the
framework of the economic union, notably the practice of accumulating debt outside the general
government accounts,
BEARING IN MIND that the Heads of State or Government of the euro area Member States agreed
on 9 December 2011 on a reinforced architecture for Economic and Monetary Union, building upon
the European Treaties and facilitating the implementation of measures taken on the basis of Articles
121, 126 and 136 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union,