Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2011-12
ERU Alm.del Bilag 183
BusinessGreenl andConferenCe2012
orgThe City of Aalbththrch the 27 -28Ma
Engaging theNatural Resourcesof Greenland- from vision to reality
The first choice in Arctic business
Goods destined for Greenland arebeing loaded in Port of Aalborg,Greenland base port. Land basedfacilities such as ware houses, coldstores and a cluster of companiesspecializing in Arctic logisticsprovide a solid base for costefficient and reliable supply.
The Arctic of tomorrow will be very different from theArctic we know today. Wealth in the region is likely togrow substantially and a large number of new, attractivebusiness opportunities will arise. But the Arctic is still ahostile, yet fragile environment. Cultural and politicalissues may need to be addressed. The financialstake is high, but so is promise.Success in the field is reserved for professionals.Arctic Business Network invites you to join thisconference to learn from some of the best in this field.
Photo: Nicolai Vangsgaard
least for the Greenland, Faroese and Danish industries, which toa great extent already possess the skills that will be far more indemand with the development of the Arctic region...These are the words of the Govern-ments of Greenland, Denmark andthe Faroe Islands in the Kingdomof Denmark Strategy for the Arctic2011– 2020. Driving factors for theemergence of these possibilitiesare e.g. climate changes openingnew waters, new technology in theexploitation of natural resourcesand not least the ever increasingdemands for raw materials steadilydriving the prices up.How can companies come to gripswith the promises? What are thedemands on subcontractors? Howcan logistics under extreme condi-tions be handled? How can largecompanies most efficiently utilizelocal resources?
Commercial opportunities in the Arctic are enormous, not
These subjects are centre of atten-tion at the Arctic Business Networkconference in Aalborg on March 27thand 28th2012 and will be coveredby an array of specialists offeringboth insights and the possibility forinteraction.
Programme27thMarch8:30 - 9:309:30 - 12:00
Plenum sessionRegistration and coffee in the company exhibitionWelcomeGreenland and business partners: Visions for mutual developmentThe strategy of the Kingdom of Denmark for Arctic 2011-2020Framework conditions for exploration and extraction of oil and minerals in GreenlandLogistics in the Arctic: Current best practices and challenges aheadSupplying and sustaining remote workplaces in challenging conditions
28thMarch8:30 - 9:009:00 - 10:15
Track 1
Track 2
Track 3
Key learnings from Day 1. Introduction to workshopsWorkshop:Optimising Arctic logisticsMr. Niels Clemensen,Development Manager,Royal Arctic LineWorkshop:Natural resources inGreenlandMr. Poul Hededal, Manager,knowledge and innovation,RambollWorkshop:Development and certificationof service providersMr. Thorkil NeergaardRegional manager, Niras(DNV also participates)
10:15 -10 :4510:45 - 12:00
BreakWorkshop:Development and certificationof service providersMr. Thorkil NeergaardRegional manager, Niras(DNV also participates)Workshop:Optimising Arctic logisticsMr. Niels Clemensen,Development Manager,Royal Arctic LineWorkshop:Natural resources inGreenlandMr. Poul Hededal, Manager,knowledge and innovation,Ramboll
12:00 - 13:0013:00 - 15:00
Lunch is served in the company exhibitionOil and minerals in Greenland: Overview of potentialsPreparing large investmentsContaining cost in large scale Arctic operationsLearning from similarities and differences in world-wide mining operationsExperiences from cooperation with local business partners
12:00 - 13:0013:00 - 16:00
Transportation to and lunch at Port of AalborgSite visits:Port of Aalborg, Greenland Base PortHost: CEO Claus HolsteinRoyal Arctic LogisticsHost: CEO Jesper Balthazar-ChristensenBlue Water Shipping GreenlandHost: North Atlantic Manager Ole B. UlriksenArctic GroupHost: CEO Peter Freiesleben
15:00 - 15:30
Coffee is served in the company exhibitionDONG in Greenland: Status, potentials and business opportunitiesOperations in the Arctic from a risk perspective, implications for companiesLogistics: Critical success factors and implications for companiesThe Greenland-Aalborg axis, resources and development trends
Conclusion of Day 1
19:00 - 23:00
Gala Dinner at Restaurant Fusion, Aalborg Harbour Front
16:30 - 17:00
Saxo Room, Aalborg City Hall
The following speakers will be attending the conference, with more to follow
Lise-Lotte Terp,Chairman,Arctic BusinessNetwork
Alderman ThomasKastrup-Larsen,Municipality ofAalborg
Henrik Madsen,CEO Norske Veritas
Lone Himmelstrup,ExplorationManager, Denmark& Greenland,DONG Energy
Christian Rugland,Manager SodexoRemote SitesNorway
Peter Freiesleben,CEO, Arctic Group
Gregory J. Ott,Director of HydroDevelopmentGPPG, Alcoa
ProfessorHans-HenrikHvolby, Celog,Aalborg University
Claus Holstein,CEOPort of Aalborg
Niels Clemensen,DevelopmentManager,Royal Arctic Line
Poul Hededal,Manager,knowledge andinnovation,Rambøll
Thorkil Neergaard,Regional Manager,Niras
Jesper Balthazar-Christensen,CEO,Royal Arctic Logistics
Ole B. Ulriksen,North AtlanticManager, BlueWater ShippingGreenland
A good time in Aalborgis includedden
RegistrationThe Arctic Business Network invites you to join theBusiness Conference Greenland, March 27-28 2012, tobe held in Aalborg, Denmark. Please register by one ofthe following two methods: Payment is by credit card orinvoice. Deadline for registration is March 13, 2012.Registration fee
Members: DKK 1.500,- excluding local VATNon-members: DKK 3.000,- excluding local VATRegistration fee includes the two-day conference andworkshop, reception, Gala dinner, lunches & coffeebreaks during the days of the programme. The registra-tion fee does not include travel costs and hotel.Please note that foreign delegates (incl. delegates fromGreenland) will not be charged local VAT.Registration online
To register online, please fill out all information on this link®step=startPayment is by credit card or invoice.
Registration by fax
To register by fax, please fill out all information in the formbelow and fax it to +45 9931 7519 or feel free to scan theform and send it to Tanja Christiansen at [email protected]
The activities at the conference takeplace around the harbour front inAalborg. This means the conferencefacilities, accommodation, venuefor the gala dinner, shopping and
45200 MNyhavnsgade
even Aalborg’s renowned nightlife iswithin short walking distance.
# 1 Utzon Centre:
# 2 the harbor hoUse:
# 3 radisson Limfjord hoteL:
Mr/Mrs/MsFirst nameSurnameTitleThis extraordinary building is thelast design from Jorn Utzon, worldfamous from the iconic Sydney OperaHouse. The now late architect hashere created another building withextraordinary qualities, which theparticipants will appreciate in full asdifferent parts of the building areused for the plenum session, lunchand workshops.I would like to participate in the Gala Dinner atRestaurant Fusion on March 27(included in the registration fee)Workshop
I would like to participate in the following twoworkshops on March 28 (please tick two boxes):Optimising arctic logisticsNatural resources in GreenlandDevelopment and certification of service providersDouble room:Check-out date:Single room:Check-in date:Hotel accommodation
Radisson BLU Limfjord Hotel offers single rooms ata rate of DKK 915,- If you wish to make a hotelreservation please fill in this section:This almost transparent buildinghas been the cause of much dispute,but is now one of the prides of theharbour front. The gala dinner willbe served in the Restaurant Fusionwhere you will be seated just a fewmetres from the salty waters of theLimfjord.Conference participants can stay atthis delightful hotel, located justopposite The Harbour House.Opposite the hotel you is the hubof Aalborg’s nightlife, Jomfru AneGade. An attractive rate is offeredfor conference participants.Organisation/CompanyAddressCityCountryPhoneEmailSpecial requirements (e.g. non-smoking room, dietary requests)
# 4 aaLborg City haLL:
# 5 friis shopping Centre:
# 6 port of aaLborg:
This baroque building has been theseat of the Municipality of Aalborgsince 1762. The adjourn receptionwill take place in the historic seat ofthe city council and the Saxo Room,ornately decorated by local artistEsben Hanefeldt with motifs fromSaxo Grammaticus.
Conference guests arriving by car canpark in the large underground par-king facilities of Friis, neighbouringthe Utzon Centre. The address of thefacility is: Nytorv 27, 9000 Aalborg.
The site visits at Greenland Base Port,Royal Arctic Logistics, Blue WaterShipping Greenland and Arctic Groupwill take place at the Eastport of thePort of Aalborg, located just under10 kilometers from the main venueat Utzon Centre.Questions:
Please feel free to contact Tanja Christiansen,[email protected] or call +45 9931 7526, if you have anyquestions about the registration or hotel bookings. If youhave any questions about the Business Conference Green-land and/or the Arctic Business Network, please contactKarl Otto Nicolajsen, [email protected] or call +45 9931 1567Cancellation policies
If you wish to cancel your registration, please send inwriting your cancellation to Tanja Christiansen,[email protected] before March 13, 2012 and the fee willbe fully refunded after the conference. After March 13,2012, you will be charged a full registration fee. You maycancel your hotel booking 2 days prior your check in date.
Aalborg - a logic venuefor Arctic BusinessHenning G. JensenMayor, City of Aalborg
Denmark’s ties to Greenland are most evident in Northern Denmark, wherethe shipping company Royal Arctic Line has had its base port since 1973. “TheGreenland Port”, which is the popular name for Port of Aalborg’s Eastern section,is the centre for trade and transportation to Greenland. The cooperation withGreenland has provided significant development for both Greenlandic and Dan-ish society.More than 60% of all goods destined for Greenland is produced and/or deliveredby North Danish companies through our port, further strengthened by regularline traffic to e.g. Rotterdam. Aalborg is also in other ways a natural centre forcooperation, education and development activities with Greenland and theGovernment of Greenland. The pace of development is escalating, fuelled forexample by climate changes, which wreak havoc in some parts of the world , buthere may be an enabler for new perspectives, new tasks, and new settings. How-ever, our relationship is still governed by the need for knowledge and experiencewith working in the demanding environment of the Arctic.
BusinessGreenlandBusinessConferenCeGreenland2012ConferenCe2012The City of AalborgMarch the 27th-28th
On a human scale, but also through multiple physical strands, we feel closeto Greenland in Aalborg. Therefore the business conference takes place here.Please, allow me to express my deep-felt welcome to our city, to our region, andnot least to the conference, which boasts strong content focused on thechallenges ahead, as well as on the solutions companies in today’s competitiveworld need to provide.See you in Aalborg for the Business Greenland Conference.Henning G. Jensen,Mayor, City of Aalborg
The first choice in Arctic businessSecretariat Greenland: Aqqusinersuaq 8/901 ¶ P.O. Box 317GL-3900 Nuuk ¶ Greenland ¶ Tel.: +299 31 39 18[email protected]Secretariat Denmark: Niels Jernesvej 10 ¶ DK-9220 Aalborg ØDenmark ¶ + 45 22 23 80 00 ¶ [email protected] Business Network is a transatlantic network with focus on developing co-operation between companies, organizations and authorities in Greenland, theArctics and Denmark. The network is a leading player in the Arctic Regions,which requires experience, credibility and safe procedures.The network area of interest covers a wide field geographically as well as how tocooperate in relation to the challenging nature and the complexity of the jobs.We engage in both extensive and demanding activities as smaller, short-termprojects - and work on a worldwide scale.