By- og Boligudvalget 2011-12
BYB Alm.del Bilag 14
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Palais des Festivalsw w w. m i p i m . c o m
building globalopportunities
mipim QuantiFiedOnly MIPIM offers a truly global real estate experience, providing hard value to all key intereststhrough a multi-faceted range of services.18,624unique participants166hotel groups243corporate end-users90countries4,031investors and financial institutions1,833exhibiting companies17,500m� exhibition surface
top 15 countries at MipiM 2011, by individual
1,263Russian Federation868Denmark & Poland224Czech Republic2,540Germany & Austria
cOMPanIES at MIPIM 2011By cOUntRy OF ORIgIn
investMent coMpanies at MipiM by typeAsset management companies (portfolio & fund mgmt)Institutional investors (pension funds...)Private investors & developersBanks / Financial institutionsReal estate investment trusts (REITs, SIIC, SICAFI, SIIQ...)Listed funds (other than REITs) / Hedge funds / Private equity573375335215160130
FranceUnited KingdomGermanyScandinaviaRussian FederationBelgium
experience mipimMIPIM,the world’s foremost real estate market,brings together the most influential playersfromall major international property markets,offering unrivalled access to the greatest numberof high-calibre development projects worldwide.More than just an exhibition space for top professionals, MIPIM provides arobust platform forbusinessgrowth through partnerships, project assessment and market intelligence. MIPIM fostersinnovationby hosting forward-thinking events that provide beneficial, actionable insights onfuture trends in real estate.
« MIPIM is a fantastic meeting point for International developers todiscuss opportunities, initiate dialogue and become imaginative in theprocess of creating dynamic projects around the globe. »Deepak Seth, Vice President Development, Southern Europe, North & West Africa, Hilton Worldwide
WHy exHibit at mipim?Showcase your product or services to 18,624 unique visitors, including 4,031 investorsIdentify potential partners from over 1,314 developers and 407 local authoritiesHost events and conduct meetings on your personal stand, raise your profile amongst your peersExplore new designs and gather inspiration from your international counterpartsGain insights on the latest trends from renowned industry experts
WHy attend mipim?Explore the most profitable choice of opportunities within our bustling exhibition floorsHear from respected real estate experts on the latest trends and hot topicsRaise your profile, meet new partners, strike deals which further your businessReap the benefits of your newfound connections all year long, via our online database
« MIPIM is exceptional. It’s unique in its ability to bring together in oneplace so many developers, financiers, service providers, and governmentofficials. What’s more, the attendees are principals and decision-makers...things happen. Our portfolio includes over 18,000 properties in over 250countries and I’m constantly amazed by the depth of the internationalcoverage. We can’t afford to miss it. »Jay Hicks, Managing Director of Planning and Real Estate, U.S. Department of State
a meetinG oF mindsNo matter your role in the real estate industry, MIPIM has conferences and events that give youdetailed and focused information. Our content is tailored specifically to pressing, practical issuesfor real estate professionals who want to stay ahead of the most relevant and challenging issues.MIPIM conferences enable you to mingle easily with your peers, focus your networking needs andhear fresh perspectives from an impressive line-up of industry leaders.
our world class prograM ofconferences and events exploresthe following key theMes:Finance & InvestmentHotel, tourism & leisureBuilding Innovationlogistics & Infrastructuregeographical Focuses
« MIPIM conferences give us quick access to the pulse of the market, directfrom the decision-makers. The panel sessions and other events provideunique opportunities to witness how the leaders of our industry, citiesand regions interact with each other. Most insightful ! »Prof. Fran§ois Ortalo-Magné, Albert O. Nicholas Dean, Wisconsin School of Business (USA)
Find more information about the2012 programme of
montHs WortH oFmeetinGs in Just 4 daysMIPIM hosts a wealth of matchmaking events, organising productive meetings thatconnect futurepartners and generate successful business ventures.From the Opening Cocktail to the closingAwards Gala, MIPIM brings the right players together through focused think tanks, closed-doorlunches and otherexclusive matchmaking formats.
MipiM key featuresInvestors village with prestigious sea view suitesVisitors clublogistics loungeneW 2012netherlands gatewayHotel & tourism loungePress clubneW 2012
exclusive MipiMMatchMaking events:link-in sessionsneW 2012leaders breakfastsMayors think tanksMIPIM opening cocktailthe MIPIM awards
new for MipiM 2012germany country of HonourInvestors summitBuilding innovationImproved MIPIM online database
« Whether you are looking for real estate operators or institutionalinvestors - MIPIM attracts both sides of the real estate market. 4 days ofMIPIM saves you 3 months of travel time. »Dietrich Heidtmann, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley Bank AG - Investment Banking Division (Real Estate)
exHibitorsStand feePrice per sqm(including 4 delegate passes)(minimum stand surface 9 sqm)from€1,950from€588 to€722*Pricing dependant on surface area and zone (includes 4 delegate passes)
VisitorsRegister early foryour visitor pass andsave up to€280!September 10 - November 15, 2011November 16, 2011 - February 21, 2012After February 21, 2012€1,310€1,450€1,590
HoW to
By cOntactIng:FRancE (Head office)Béatrice gravierSales Director, MIPIMbeatrice.gravier@reedmidem.comReed MIDEMTel: +33 (0) 1 41 90 48 33Fax: +33 (0) 1 41 90 45 20UKPeter de SoissonsSales Directorpeter.desoissons@reedmidem.comReed MIDEM ltdTel: +44 (0) 20 7528 0086Fax: +44 (0) 20 7895 0949nORtH aMERIcaPatric DolanSenior Vice Presidentpatric.dolan@reedmidem.comReed MIDEM north americaTel: + 1 212 284 5141Fax: + 1 212 284 5148aSIa PacIFIcchristine lamAsia Pacific Regional Directorchristine.lam@reedmidem.comReed Exhibitions ltdTel: +852 2893 0208+852 2965 1622Fax: +852 2169 3093+852 2897 1926
For more inFormation, please contactLaurianne DICECCA: Tel +33 (0) 1 41 90 45 94Reed MIDEMBP572 - 11 rue du Colonel Pierre Avia - 75726 Paris Cedex 15 - FranceTel: 33 (0)1 41 90 44 00 - Fax: 33 (0)1 41 90 44 09in partnership
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At Reed MIDEM we believe in acting responsibly in ourwork environment. We want MIPIM to serve as a forum tohelp companies worldwide exchange innovative ideas and findachievable green solutions.By working together we can all positively contribute to thefuture of individual businesses and global industries whileprotecting our environment.
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