Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2011-12
BUU Alm.del Bilag 80
SeCONdaNNOuNCemeNTeuropean conFerence
SPORTVISION2012:Volunteering,Fitness Doping,Financing & HealtHChalleNgeS aNd SOluTIONSIN SPORT fOR all IN euROPeCOPeNhageN, deNmaRk,19 – 20 maRCh 2012REGISTER NOW!Make your reservation today!200 people already bookedtheir place, and registrationwill close at 350 participants!
Join the europeanSportViSion2012ConferenCeThe incoming Danish Presidency of the Europe-an Union is delighted to invite you to its ambi-tious and wide-ranging conference addressingthe most pressing challenges in Sport for All.The conference will be your opportunity to ben-efit from state-of-the-art examples of promo-tion of volunteering in sport for all, novel ini-Conference Consortium:
tiatives in the fight against fitness doping,creative samples on financing and health insport for all, high-level political debate andagenda-setting, and excellent networkingand partnership opportunities, and uniquestudy tours.
Associated Conference Partners:
Danish Ministry of CultureThe Danish Foundationfor Culture and SportFacilitiesDanish NationalAnti-Doping AgencyNational OlympicCommittee and SportsConfederation of Denmark
Sport Event Denmark
The SPORTVISION2012conference has receivedfunding from the EuropeanUnion in the framework ofthe Preparatory Actions inSport.
Danish Gymnastics andSports Associations
Danish Federation forCompany Sports
International Sport andCulture Association
SpeakersWe are pleased to announce an excerpt ofconfirmed keynote speakers
androulla VassiliouEU Commissioner for Education,Culture, Multiligualism and YouthSPORTVISION2012 openingaddress
uffe elbækDanish Minister for CultureDenmark and the Europeandimension of Sportfitness Doping trackContinued from page 1
harrison g. Pope Jr.Harvard Medical SchoolThe Adonis Complex
Key EU stakeholders, such as Members of theEuropean Parliament and the European Com-mission, are invited to join the debates, andto engage with sport organizations in order toopenly address common challenges. Cross-sector cooperation, learning and innovationare some of the main drivers for the devel-opment of the physical activity sector. In thatspirit further stakeholders such as academics,ministry and city officials, businesses, commu-nity organizers, and medical experts will alsojoin the conference and be part of the activeforum of 350 people.If you are interested in meeting the challengesin Sport for All,join us in CopenhagenOn behalf of the Congress Consortium,Yours sincerelyUffe ElbækDanish Minister for Culture
Cliff CollinsEuropean Health and FitnessAssociationDoping and social responsi-bility in the fitness sector
maria RenströmANDT-secretariat – the SwedishSocial MinistryThe strategy for a dopingfree society
on March 19-20, 2012!
finance & health track
Friedrich-Alexander-UniversityErlangen-NurembergEU guidelines for improvingphysical activity in the localarena
Prof. Stefan SzymanskiUniversity of MichiganEconomic relevance of sportfor all, when it comes to theEuropean growth and economy
hannu TakkulaMember of European ParliamentThe role of sport in theEU2020 strategyVolunteering track
Jean CamyEuropean Observaitoire of Sportand EmploymentValidation and recognition ofsport volunteers’ competences
about SPORTVISION2012The European SPORTVISION2012 Conference will take place in Copen-hagen, Denmark from 19 – 20 March 2012.Hosted at Bella Center, the leading conference venue in Scandinavia,the conference offers a professional and inspiring set-up. With its ownmetro station from where you can travel to the center of Copenhagenin only 10 minutes, there is ample opportunity to enjoy the city duringthe evening after an intense conference day.See more atwww.bellacenter.dk/English
Prof. dr. Sebastian BraunHumboldt-Universität zu Berlin,GermanyRecent developments insport volunteering, with astarting point in the GermancontextVisitwww.sportvision2012.euto find the full listof invited speakers (to be confirmed), includingamongst others:
STudY TOuRSCopenhagen boasts a wide range of innovative sport facilities and set-tings for promotion of physical activity. With the expertise of the DanishFoundation for Culture and Sport Facilities, SPORTVISION2012 is happyto invite you to join one of the three optional study tours.You will, amongst others, have a chance to see
mr Santiago fisasMember of the European Parliament and Rap-porteur on the European Commission Commu-nication on SportEuropean Parliament priorities in sport
fredrik NikolajeffUppsala UniversityMethods for the identification of dopingsubstance
The Copenhagen Harbour BathStreet Mekka – Indoor street sport facilitySuperWedge – Physical Activity promotion in the urban settingTagensbo School – Integrated sport architectureThe Chapel – From a church annex to a dance studio
kelly murumetsCEO ParticipAction, CanadaProve your worth. Work in partnership.Get your cash.
Bjørn BarlandsNorwegian Police University CollegeUse of Anabolic Steriods and correlationwith use of drugs, alcohol and smokingand risk behavior in general
Jeroen ScheerderUniversity of LeuvenDifferences in sport participation and phys-ical activity in Europe and possible causes
mercedes BressoPresident, EU Committee of the RegionsEU regions – a driver for healthy sport
alfred Rütten
parallel ConferenCe traCkSfinancing & healthHow Can Sport for all Contribute totHe eu 2020 Strategy of SMart, SuS-tainable anD inCluSive growtH?If ‘Sport for All’ is to become more than a slo-gan in the EU and be a positive contributor tothe EU Sport Policy and EU 2020 strategy ofsmart, sustainable and inclusive growth, a se-ries of challenges and developments need tobe addressed.These challenges include securing adequatefinancial and structural support for grassrootssport and the real health and social inclu-sion potential in grassroots sport. Therefore,we need to identify and develop the roles ofboth well-known and new actors in the field ofpublic and private, commercial and non-profitspheres of sport for all.The track themes include:conference. This report is a result of the part-nership of Anti-doping organizations and drugprevention units in The Netherlands, Sweden,Poland, Cyprus and Denmark.The main topics will be:
legislationdoping control modelspreventive workfinancial structure of initiatives towardsdoping free fitness centresyouth culture and risk behaviourtrafficking of doping substances to andwithin Europemedical focus on the abuse of steroidsThe track will address participation of decisionmakers, European national anti-doping organi-zations (NADO’s), scientists and authoritiesworking with the fight against doping.
VolunteeringvolunteerS Make a DifferenCe!The ‘Volunteers make a difference’ track willbe an opportunity to discuss recent strategicchallenges in volunteering and to outline re-commendations for the European policy ma-kers. This will be a timely follow-up on the2011 European Year of Volunteering and theAarhus Declaration on volunteering of the EUSport Ministers from 2002 (http://ec.europa.eu/sport/white-paper/swd-the-societal-role-of-sport_en.htm).The conference will in particular address chal-lenges in volunteering for sport for all, notablythe
broader participation in sport and physi-cal activity in Europethe economic importance of sport for allin the European societiesfunding of sport for all from local tonational levelsport for all and social inclusiondeveloping and maintaining facilities forsport for allsport for all and healthsport for all and the commercial sportoffers
fitness dopingStrategy for Stopping SteroiDSThe ‘Strategy for Stopping Steroids’ trackwill be a unique opportunity to share know-ledge and experience on the current Euro-pean effort regarding the abuse of steroidsin fitness centres and in sport for all in gene-ral. The track will outline good practices andgive valuable insight in how to start andto carry out efforts on the matter of pre-venting and stopping the use of steroids.The track will be based on the co-Europeanreport “Strategy for Stopping Steroids”, a re-port that will be released in connection to the4SPORTVISION2012
educationrecognitionlegal frameworksrecruitment
retentionand funding
of volunteers.The track is also the closing conference ofthe International Sport and Culture Asso-ciation’s EU supported EuroVolNet project(www.eurovolnet.info), and will as suchpresent project results and launch the Euro-VolNet Online Tutorial.
Participant ProfileThe European SPORTVISION2012 Conferenceaddresses diverse target groups – from po-litical decision makers to club coaches, frommedical doctors to local activists, from privatebusinesses to international institutions, fromsport organisations to city administrators. Thediversity of the attending stakeholders is oneof the strengths of the conference and it willensure the creation of a vibrant atmosphere atSPORTVISION2012.The conference will provide a platform for at-tending participants and stakeholders to dis-cuss and align strategies in order to reap thefull benefits of active European societies.Expand your networks, get the latest knowl-edge and best practises, and create valuablealliances at one of the most important sportpolitical events of 2012.
Call for Open market and Poster fair!It is our pleasure to invite you to submitfairpresentationfor the “SPORTVISION2012 –OPEN MARKET and POSTER FAIR”.The OPEN MARKET and POSTER FAIR is anopen exhibition showcasing one or more of theSPORTVISION2012 thematic fields as good ex-amples. The exhibition will run throughout theConference with the possibility for presentersto present their project/programs/activitiesor/and research-based presentations dur-ing the coffee breaks and lunches on 19 - 20March 2012.We welcome both scientific research andgood practice on local, national and inter-national level.To achieve an alternative way of sharing infor-mation about projects/programs/activities andresearch we suggest the following presenta-tion styles:
draft ProgrammeThe programme will be packed with inspiringspeakers, best practice stories and interactiveseminars. We also strive to offer a well plannedsocial programme that gives you the opportu-nity to not only see the city of Copenhagen butalso to have informal meetings and talks withpeers from other countries with a view to pro-moting new networks and collaborations.
Poster presentationsLeaflets, Brochures and other printedmaterialsDVD presentationsGames, Plays and/or Sport activities.Presented materials must be in English.The evaluation committee will send a responseto applicants on a running basis. You will getan answer within 2 weeks after submission.Organizers will cover one night simple accom-modation for accepted fair presenters (19. –20.3.2012).For further information, please refer towww.sportvision2012.eu/programme/pro-gramme/openmarketandposterfair
DaY 1- MonDaY, 19 MarCh 2012






DaY 2






Arrival of participants.First Optional Study TourLunchOpening of the conferenceParallel thematic sessionsDinner- tueSDaY, 20 MarCh 2012
Parallel thematic sessionsLunch at the conferencevenueParallel thematic sessionsConclusions and closing ofconferenceSecond Optional Study ToursenPhoto:RuneJohan
On Wednesday, 21 March, participants can jointhe Third Optional Study Tour.
accreditation and accommodationThe European SPORTVISION2012 Conferencewill take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from19 – 20 March 2012.The conference registration is open on theconference website:
REGISTER NOW!Make your reservation today!200 people already bookedtheir place, and registrationwill close at 350 participants!
www.sportvision2012.euOn the same website you can chose amongrecommended hotels that provide good ratesand are located a short distance from the con-ference facilities. The hotels may be booked inconnection with your registration, or at a laterstage.
Conference feeThe SPORTVISION2012 Partners are pleased tooffer youfreeparticipation in the programme!You are kindly requested to book and pay yourown transportation and hotel.
Sportvision2012 Conference Secretariat
Conference Consortium:
for more information please contactSportViSion2012 Conference SecretariatDanish Ministry of Culture
www.sportvision2012.euDanish Gymnastics andSports AssociationsDanish Federation forCompany Sports
International Sport andCulture Association
Associated Conference Partners:
Sport Event DenmarkThe Danish Foundationfor Culture and SportFacilitiesThe SPORTVISION2012conference has receivedfunding from the EuropeanUnion in the framework ofthe Preparatory Actions inSport.
G R A P H I C D E S I G N & l Ay o u t:b A k f o R m
Danish NationalAnti-Doping Agency
National OlympicCommittee and SportsConfederation of Denmark
SPORTVISION2012 Conference SecretariatISCA International Sport and Culture AssociationTietgensgade 65DK-1704 Copenhagen VDenmarkTel: +45 33298026[email protected]