Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2011-12
BUU Alm.del Bilag 265
Achieving Whole System Reformand theMoral Imperative RealizedMichael Fullan2012
Fullan• www.michaelfullan.ca[email protected]
Outline• Moral Impera8ve Realized• Beware of Wrong Drivers• Focus on right drivers: Whole System Reform (All Systems Go) based on Capacity Building
The Moral Impera8ve Realized
Moral Impera8ve• My moral impera8ve is....• How does my moral impera8ve link to the school/system moral impera8ve....• What is the evidence that my moral impera8ve is being realized...• Next steps: What more could I do to realize my moral impera8ve in my school AND system...
Choosing theWrong/Right Drivers
Four Criteria1.Foster intrinsic mo8va8on2.Engage teachers and students in con8nuous improvement3.Inspires collec8ve or teamwork4.Affects all teachers and students
A Driver• A policy and associated set of strategies that are designed to effect posi8vely ‘whole system reform’.• A wrong driver is one that all evidence points to the fact that it does not have a posi8ve effect• A right driver is one that the evidence confirms that it does have the desired effect
Wrong vs Right Drivers: A MaZer of Right Brain AccountabilityIndividual teacher and leadership qualityTechnologyFragment strategiesCapacity buildingCollabora8ve workPedagogySystemness’
Good Accountability• A func8on of good data, used as a strategy for improvement• Non-·‐judgmentalism • Widespread transparency• All of which produces strong ‘internal accountability’ which in turn produces strong public accountability• We fuse assessment and instruc8on
Capacity Building• Focus on the development of individual and collec8ve competencies essen8al for improvement at school and district levels.
Human vs Social Capital• Team work trumps individual work (do both)• Be careful: focusing on school principal competencies and professional development of teachers is NOT the driver (it is an enabler)• ‘Learning is the work’ is the driver, not personnel decisions
Technology vs Pedagogy• Technology is seduc8ve• It outraces pedagogy every 8me• The digital revolu8on is now unstoppable: Technology for learning becomes 24/7; roles of student and teacher are flipped
Fragmented vs Systemic• It’s a system thing• You need inspira8onal focus, good diagnosis and a coherent plan of ac8on (the laZer based on the four right drivers, using the so called wrong drivers judiciously)
—Mourshed, et al, 2010
Debrief• What idea so far best resonated or connected for you (the Aha ques8on)?• What ques8on/puzzle remains foremost on your mind about school and whole system reform (the Worry list ques8on)?
All Systems Go: Ontario Case• 13 Million People• 2 Million Students• 4,000 Elementary Schools• 900 Secondary Schools• 72 Districts
Ontario 2004 vs 2012• Literacy and Numeracy Deeply Defined 54% vs 70%• High School Gradua8on 68% vs 82%• Fragmenta8on vs Cohesion (deep ownership)
Coherence Making• Alignment is about structures; coherence is about mindsets.• System coherence is about

shared mindsets.

• A tool is only as good as the mindset using it.
Elements of Coherence• A small number of ambi8ous goals• A focus on instruc8on and the student achievement agenda• Con8nuous capacity building around that agenda• Cul8va8on of ‘systemness’ on the part of all
Strategies for Coherence • Finessing school and district energies: mutual allegiance and collabora8ve compe88on• Learning from implementa8on during implementa8on• Changing the culture of the district• Handling distractors: ac8vity trap et al• Exploit public policy
Impact of Coherence• Focus/Consistency• Sustained aZen8on on improved prac8ce• Mul8ple reinforcing energies to get results• BeZer performance• Large numbers of people talk the walk as they walk the talk
Whole System Reform/ASG• Relentless focused leadership at the center• A small number of ambi8ous goals• A posi8ve stance with respect to the sector• A core strategy of capacity building• Transparent use of evidence, data• Learning from implementa8on with lateral and ver8cal dissemina8on• Fostering Leadership at all levels
Stripped down version• High expecta8ons and asser8veness from the center• A spirit of respect and partnership with the sector• Obsession with implementa8on, spread of good prac8ce, monitoring and correc8ons
District Reform• Whole system reform concepts apply• Define it as changing the culture of the district not just the school• Horizontal as well as ver8cal• We-·‐we: enlarged sense of iden8ty• Collabora8ve compe88on
Freewrite• Take a piece of paper and write down what ac8on you are going to take as a result of this session/ What idea are you going to follow up into ac8on.