Børne- og Undervisningsudvalget 2011-12
BUU Alm.del Bilag 265

Oversigt over præsentationer m.m. ifm. med BBU, studietur, Ontario, 2012:

1. System on the Move: Story of the Ontario Education Strategy (notat)2. Ontario, Canada: Reform to support High Achievement in a Diverse Context (notat)3. Børne- og Undervisningsministeriets baggrundsmateriale til udvalget (uddrag)4. Mary Jean Gallagher, Presentation: Ontario Education Improvement5. Jim Grieve, Presentation: Early Learning initiatives (Full-Day Kindergarten for four- and five-year-olds)6. Julie Reid, Presentation Building Leadership Capacity Across 5000 Schools in Ontario7. Ruth Flynn, Presentation: Equity, Inclusive Education and Parent Engagement8. Michael Fullan, Presentation: Achieving whole system reform and the moral imperative realized9. Ben Levin: Graduating