Europaudvalget 2011-12, Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2011-12, Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2011-12
EUU Alm.del Bilag 47, BEU Alm.del Bilag 9, UUI Alm.del Bilag 7
Social and economic impact of migration:Central and East-European perspectivesDate:Meeting venue:Interpretation:17 - 18 November 2011Ministry of Labour and Social PolicyNowogrodzka 1/3/5, 00‐513, Warsaw, PolandEnglish/ Polish in plenary and in one of the workshops
DRAFT PROGRAMMEDay 1 - Thursday 17 November8.30 - 9.009.00 - 9.15Registration and coffeeOpening and welcomeJuan Menéndez-Valdés,Director - EurofoundKeynote addressesJolanta Fedak,Minister of Labour and Social Policy, PolandLászló Andor,Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion -European Commission9.45 - 10.00Local and regional perspectiveWolfgang Schuster,Mayor of Stuttgart, President of the Council of EuropeanMunicipalities and Regions (Council of European Municipalities and Regions -CEMR), European Vice-President of United Cities and Local Governments(UCLG) - tbc10.00 - 11.00Thematic session - Social and employment impacts of emigration

Chair: Radoslaw Mleczko,

Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policy ,PolandSetting the scene – overview of current and projected emigration types andtrends in Central and Eastern Europe.Marek Okólski,Director - Centre for Migration Research, PolandGeorg Fischer –Director, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion –
9.15 - 9.45
Analysis, Evaluation, External Relations - European CommissionCommentator: Anna Krasteva,Director, Centre for European Refugees,Migration and Ethnic Studies (CERMES), BulgariaDiscussion11.00 - 11.20Coffee break
Challenges of emigration for the sending countries11.20


tbcSocial consequences and challenges of emigrationCharles Woolfson,Professor of Labour Studies, Institute for Research onMigration, Ethnicity and Society, SwedenJörg Peschner- Seconded National Expert, DG Employment, Social Affairsand Inclusion, European CommissionDiscussion12.10Employment consequences and challenges of emigrationVladimira Drbalova,Czech Republic, European Economic and SocialCommittee (EESC)Sebastian Klähn,Coordinator, EURopean Employment Services (EURES-TriRegio)Discussion13.00 - 14.3014.30 - 16.10Lunch breakParallel thematic working groupsWorkshop 1: Impact of migration on families, children and young adults.Presentation of measures to address the problems

Moderator: Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union

(COFACE) - tbc

Contributions from:Wioletta Danilewicz,University of Bialystok, Poland
Iryna Brych,Migration Officer, Caritas Ukraine

Rapporteur: Sergey Khrychikov,

Council of EuropeWorkshop 2: Addressing labour shortages

Moderator: Klara Foti,

Research Manager, Living Conditions and Quality ofLife Unit - EurofoundContributions from:Giovanni Lamura,Senior Gerontologist, Italian National Institute of Healthand Science on Aging (INCRA), Ancona, ItalyJohn Hurley:Research Officer, Employment & Competitiveness (E&C) Unit -Eurofound

Rapporteur: Piotr Sarnecki,

Director of Polish Confederation of PrivateEmployers, Lewiatan (PKPP Lewiatan), Brussels OfficeWorkshop 3: Management of the migration processes at local and regionallevels

Moderator: Sandra Vermuijten –

International Labour Organisation (ILO)Contributions from:Petr Novak,Head of the Unit for Integration of Foreigners and Refugees,Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

Rapporteur: Patrycja Matusz,

University of Wroclaw, Institute of InternationalStudies, Poland
16.10 - 16.3016.30 - 17.50
Coffee breakPlenary session

Moderator: Jerzy Ciechański,


to the Minister of Labour and SocialPolicy, PolandPanellists:Henryka Bochniarz,President - Polish Confederation of Private Employers,Lewiatan (PKPP Lewiatan)Józef Niemiec,Deputy General Secretary - European Trade UnionConfederation (ETUC) - tbc______,Representative of the national government, Poland
Jallow Momodou,European Network against Racism (ENAR),SwedenDiscussion17.50 - 18.00Close of Day 1Jerzy Ciechański,Counsellor to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy,Poland
Day 2 - Friday 18 November8.30 - 9.009.00 - 10.15Registration and coffeeImpact of immigration for receiving countries in Central and EasternEurope

Chair: Ewa Synowiec,

Head of the European Commission Representation inPoland - tbcSetting the scene – overview of current and projected immigration types andtrends in Central and Eastern Europe.Anastasia Fetsi,Head of Thematic Expertise Development Department,European Training FoundationCommentator: Kinga Wysieńska –Expert, The Institute of Public Affairs,PolandDiscussion10.15 - 10.45Management of immigration to Central and Eastern EuropeMaciej Duszczyk,Head of the Research Unit - Centre of Migration Research,PolandCommentator: Andrew Michta,Head of the German Marshall Fund, WarsawRegional Office, Poland - tbcDiscussion11.15 - 12.45Moderated panel debate: The way forward

Moderator: Robert Anderson,

Head of Unit, Living Conditions and Quality ofLife - Eurofound
Jean-Louis de Brouwer,Director, Employment, Lisbon Strategy, InternationalAffairs - DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European CommissionMarta Cygan,Director for Immigration and Asylum, DG Justice, Freedom andSecurity- European Commission - tbcMaarten Camps,Director-General Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs andEmployment, The NetherlandsKatrin Hirseland– Head of Section - Federal Office for Migration andRefugees, GermanyMichałBoni,Minister, Member of the Council of Ministers, Director of theBoard of Strategic Advisors to the Prime Minister, Poland - tbcDiscussion12.45Closing remarksJuan Menéndez-Valdés,Director - EurofoundLunch and departure