Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2011-12
BEU Alm.del Bilag 83
Radiograf RådetH. C. Ørsteds Vej 70, 2. tv.1879 Frederiksberg C


Minister of Health,

Minister for European Affairs,

and Minister of Employment

Kontakt:Telefon: +45 3537 4339Fax: +45 3537 4342[email protected]www.radiograf.dkÅbningstider:Mandag - torsdagFredag

Request for Denmark’s support to remove threat to MRI from EU

health and safety legislation (EMF Directive 2004/40/EC): Priority

issue for Patients

Radiograf Rådet, represents approximately 500 MR workers, is seriously concerned that Europeanhealth and safety legislation on electromagnetic fields (EMF Directive 2004/40/EC1) will continue toimpede the use of MRI unless a derogation is agreed.Due to concerns raised by patient groups, scientists and the medical community, the EuropeanCommission, on the basis of sound scientific evidence, has proposed a derogation for MRI fromthe exposure limits set in the Directive.We are bringing this to your attention, as Ministers responsible for health and safety are currentlyconsidering rejecting the European Commission’s proposed derogation. Whilst we understand thatthe Minister for Social Affairs’ priority is to ensure the highest level of worker safety, there is a veryworrying lack of consideration for the potential impact of their decision on the use of MRI which is avital life-saving technology.The situation is now critical as discussions are on-going in the Council in Brussels and we urge youto intervene on this issue before a decision is made which will have a seriously detrimental impacton the welfare of patients and on the ability of the public health system to deliver.A derogation for MRI is vital for the following reasons:----MRI has been used for over 25 years, imaging up to 500 million patients without evidence ofharm to workers due to EMF exposureMRI examinations are undertaken in highly controlled environments and there are stringentsafety standards to ensure the safety of patients and workersMRI is free from health risks associated with ionising radiation such as X-rays, which wouldform the alternative to MRI in many situations.Our radiographer members operate MRI scanners in their daily professional activities and areunanimous in supporting the derogation for MRI, as they do not experience any health effects
Directive 2004/40/EC on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers tothe risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields)1
and as adequate safety standards are already in place to ensure utmost safety of workers andpatients alike. Radiographers are professionals who have the highest competency andresponsibility in maintaining safety measures for patients and professionals in all imagingmodalities using ionizing radiation and electromagnetic fields.This is now in jeopardy and we therefore request:--That it is made clear to the Ministry of Social Affairs the importance of securing a derogationfor MRI for public health reasonsA clarification from you on Denmark’s position on this issue.
We look forward to taking hearing from you and resolving this issue satisfactorily at your earliestconvenience.
Best regards
Charlotte GraungaardPresident, Radiograf RådetEncl:
EFRS Position PaperAlliance for MRI Position Paper
Copies sent to:Ministry of HealthMinistry for European AffairsMinistry of EmploymentCommittee of HealthCommittee for European AffairsCommittee of Employment