Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2010-11 (1. samling)
UVT Alm.del
17 January 2011
Chronological List of Key Copenhagen Consensus Center Research

(All names of research papers are those used in the language that each paper

was first published in.)

J. Eric Bickel and Lee Lane (2010),Climate Engineering,in Smart Solutions to ClimateChange; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Anne E. Smith (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Climate Engineering,in Smart Solutions toClimate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Roger A. Pielke, Jr. (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Climate Engineering,in SmartSolutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Richard S.J. Tol (2010)Carbon Dioxide Mitigation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change;Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Onno Kuik (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Carbon Dioxide Mitigation,in Smart Solutionsto Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Roberto Roson (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Carbon Dioxide Mitigation,in SmartSolutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Brent Sohngren (2010)Forestry Carbon Sequestration,in Smart Solutions to ClimateChange; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Sabine Fuss (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Forestry Carbon Sequestration,in SmartSolutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Robert E. Baron, W. David Montgomery, Sugandha D. Tuladhar (2010)Black CarbonMitigation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, CambridgeUniversity Press.
Claudia Kemfert, Wolf-Peter Schill (2010)Methane Mitigation,in Smart Solutions toClimate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Milind Kandlikar, Conor C.O. Reynolds, Andrew P. Grieshop (2010)An AlternativePerspective: Black Carbon Mitigation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; ComparingCosts and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.David Anthoff (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Methane Mitigation,in Smart Solutions toClimate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Daniel J.A. Johansson, Fredrik Hedenus (2010)An Alternative Perspective: MethaneMitigation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, CambridgeUniversity Press.Francesco Bosello, Carlo Carraro, Enrica De Cian (2010)Market- and Policy- DrivenAdaptation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits,Cambridge University Press.Samuel Fankhauser (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Market- and Policy- DrivenAdaptation,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits,Cambridge University Press.
Gregory Nemet (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Technology-Led Climate Policy,in SmartSolutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Zili Yang (2010)Technology Transfer,in Smart Solutions to Climate Change; ComparingCosts and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.David Popp (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Technology Transfer,in Smart Solutions toClimate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.2
Valentina Bosetti (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Technology-Led Climate Policy,in SmartSolutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Isabel Galiana, Christopher Green (2010)Technology-Led Climate Policy,in Smart Solutionsto Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Frank Jotzo (2010)An Alternative Perspective: Market- and Policy- Driven Adaptation, inSmart Solutions to Climate Change; Comparing Costs and Benefits, Cambridge UniversityPress.
Richard S. J. Tol (2010)The Costs and Benefits of EU Climate Policy for 2020,CopenhagenConsensus Center.
Lee Lane, Eric Bickel (2009)Solar Radiation Management and Rethinking the Goals of COP-15,in Advice for Policymakers, Copenhagen Consensus Center.Valentina Bosetti (2009)A Focus on Carbon Capture and Storage,in Advice forPolicymakers, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Isabel Galiana, Christopher Green (2009)A Technology-led Climate Policy,in Advice forPolicymakers, Copenhagen Consensus Center.Bjørn Larsen, Guy Hutton, Neha Khanna (2009)Air Pollution,in Global Crises, GlobalSolutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Paul Collier, Lisa Chauvet, Håvard Hegre (2009)The Security Challenge in Conflict-ProneCountries,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Andrew Mack (2009)An Alternative Perspective: The Security Challenge in Conflict-ProneCountries,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
Jitendra Shah (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Air Pollution,in Global Crises, GlobalSolutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Ibrahim A. Elbadawi (2009)An Alternative Perspective: The Security Challenge in Conflict-Prone Countries,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge UniversityPress.
Dean T. Jameson, Prabhat Jha, David E. Bloom (2009)Disease Control,in Global Crises,Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Ramanan Laxminarayan (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Disease Control,in Global Crises,Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
David Canning (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Disease Control,in Global Crises, GlobalSolutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Peter F. Orazem, Paul Glewwe, Harry Patrinos (2009)The benefits and costs of alternativestrategies to improve educational outcomes,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, secondedition, Cambridge University Press.
Victor Lavy (2009)An Alternative Perspective: The benefits and costs of alternativestrategies to improve educational outcomes,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, secondedition, Cambridge University Press.Lant Pritchett(2009)An Alternative Perspective: The benefits and costs of alternativestrategies to improve educational outcomes,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, secondedition, Cambridge University Press.Gary W. Yohe, Richard S.J. Tol, Richard G. Richels, Geoffrey J. Blanford (2009)ClimateChange,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Chris Green (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Climate Change,in Global Crises, GlobalSolutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
Anil Markandya (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Climate Change,in Global Crises, GlobalSolutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Sue Horton, Harold Alderman, Juan A Rivera (2009)Hunger and Malnutrition,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Reynaldo Martorell (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Hunger and Malnutrition,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Anil B. Deolalikar (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Hunger and Malnutrition,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Jennifer Davis (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Water and Sanitation,in Global Crises,Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
Dale Whittington, W. Michael Hanemann, Claudia Sadoff, Marc Jeuland (2009)Water andSanitation,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Frank R. Rijsberman, Alix Peterson Zwane (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Water andSanitation,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Alan V. Deardorff (2009)An Alternative Perspective: The Challenge of reducing internationaltrade and migration barriers,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, CambridgeUniversity Press.
Kym Anderson, L. Alan Winters (2009)The Challenge of reducing international trade andmigration barriers,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge UniversityPress.
Todd Sandler, Daniel G Arce, Walter Enders (2009)Transnational Terrorism,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
Anthony J Venables (2009)An Alternative Perspective: The Challenge of reducinginternational trade and migration barriers,in Global Crises, Global Solutions, secondedition, Cambridge University Press.
S. Brock Blomberg (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Transnational Terrorism,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Michael D. Intriligator (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Transnational Terrorism,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Lawrence Haddad (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Women and Development,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Elizabeth M. King, Stephan Klasen Maria Porter (2009)Women and Development,in GlobalCrises, Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.Aysit Tansel (2009)An Alternative Perspective: Women and Development,in Global Crises,Global Solutions, second edition, Cambridge University Press.
Sue Horton, France Begin, Alison Greig & Anand Lakshman (2009)MicronutrientSupplements for Child Survival (Vitamin A and Zinc),Best Practice Paper series, CopenhagenConsensus Center.Andrew Hall & Sue Horton (2009)De-worming,Best Practice Paper series, CopenhagenConsensus Center.Sue Horton, Venkatesh Mannar & Annie Wesley (2009)Micronutrient Fortification,BestPractice Paper series, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
J.V. Meenakshi (2009)Biofortification,Best Practice Paper series, Copenhagen ConsensusCenter.Peter F. Orazem, Paul Glewwe and Harry Patrinos (2009)Lowering the Price of Schooling,Best Practice Paper series, Copenhagen Consensus Center.Till Bärnighausen, David E. Bloom, David Canning, Abigail Friedman, Orin Levine, JenniferO'Brien, Lois Privor-Dumm and Damian Walker (2009)The Economic Case for ExpandingVaccination,Best Practice Paper series, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Alex Dubgaard (2009)'Klima - Miljø',Danmark Konsensus 2009, Copenhagen ConsensusCenter.Kjeld Møller Pedersen (2009)'Sundhedsvæsenet'Danmark Konsensus 2009, CopenhagenConsensus Center.Jan Rose Skaksen (2009)'Offentlige investeringer eller skattelettelser?'Danmark Konsensus2009, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Niels Buus Kristensen et al. (2009)'Infrastruktur og offentlig transport'DanmarkKonsensus 2009, Copenhagen Consensus Center.
Peder J. Pedersen (2009)'Integration'Danmark Konsensus 2009, Copenhagen ConsensusCenter.Mark P. Jones (2009)Democracy in the LAC region, challenges and solutions: political partyand party system institutionalization and women’s legislative representation,in LatinAmerican Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Amy Damon and Paul Glewwe (2009)Three proposals to improve education in the LACregion: estimates of the costs and benefits of each strategy,in Latin American DevelopmentPriorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Miguel Urquiola (2009)Education: An alternative view,in Latin American DevelopmentPriorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Adriana Kugler (2009)Labor market reforms: An alternative view,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Randall A. Kramer (2009)Forests and biodiversity: an alternative view,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Alejandra Cox Edwards (2009)Labor market reforms in the LAC region: consequences andcosts,in Latin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge UniversityPress.Roger A. Sedjo and Juha Siikamäki (2009)Forests, biodiversity, and avoided deforestation inthe LAC region,in Latin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, CambridgeUniversity Press.Miguel Braun (2009)Fiscal policy reforms in the LAC region,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Max A. Alier and Benedict Clements (2009)Fiscal policy reforms: an alternative view,inLatin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Philip Musgrove (2009)Challenges and solutions in health in the LAC region,in LatinAmerican Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.William D. Savedoff (2009)Challenges and solutions in health: An alternative view,in LatinAmerican Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Julio A. Gonzales, José Luis Guasch, and Tomas Serebrisky (2009)High logistics costs andpoor infrastructure for merchandise transportation in the LAC region,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Sebastian Galiani (2009)Reducing poverty in the LAC region,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Susan Rose-Ackerman (2009)Public administration and institutions in the LAC region,inLatin American Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Ugo Panizza (2009)Public administration: an alternative view,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Andrew Morrison (2009)Violence and crime: an alternative view,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Peter Blair Henry (2007)Financial Instability,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Keith E. Maskus (2007)Lack of Intellectual Property Rights,in Solutions for the World’sBiggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Ronald Fischer (2009)High logistics costs and poor infrastructure for merchandisetransportation: an alternative view,in Latin American Development Priorities: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.Stephen D. Younger (2009)Reducing poverty: an alternative view,in Latin AmericanDevelopment Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Mark A. Cohen and Mauricio Rubio (2009)Violence and crime in the LAC region,in LatinAmerican Development Priorities: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Donato Maciandaro (2007)Money Laundering,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Kym Anderson (2007)Subsidies and trade barriers,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Guy Hutton (2007)Air Pollution,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.
Gary Yohe (2007)Climate Change,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.Henk Folmer and G. Cornelis van Kooten (2007)Deforestation,in Solutions for the World’sBiggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Ian Coxhead and Ragnar Øygard (2007)Land degradation,in Solutions for the World’sBiggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Dan Biller (2007)The economics of biodiversity loss,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Roger A. Pielke Jr. (2007)Vulnerability to natural disasters,in Solutions for the World’sBiggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.J. Paul Dunne (2007)Arms proliferation,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems:Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Paul Collier (2007)Conflicts,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.Susan Rose-Ackerman (2007)Corruption,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems:Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Daniel Linotte (2007)Terrorism,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.Michael J. Greenwood (2007)Population: migration,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.8
Peter F. Orazem (2007)Lack of education,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems:Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Brinda Viswanathan (2007)Living conditions of women,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Jere R. Behrman, Harold Alderman, John Hoddinott (2007)Hunger and malnutrition,inSolutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge UniversityPress.
Guy Hutton (2007)Unsafe water and lack of sanitation,in Solutions for the World’s BiggestProblems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Harry Anthony Patrinos (2007)Living conditions of children,in Solutions for the World’sBiggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Dean T. Jamison (2007)Disease control,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems:Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.
Robert E. Wright, Katerina Lisenkova (2007)Lack of people of working age,in Solutions forthe World’s Biggest Problems: Costs and Benefits, Cambridge University Press.Jeffrey A. Miron (2007)Drugs,in Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems: Costs andBenefits, Cambridge University Press.William R. Cline (2006)Meeting the Challenge of Global Warming,in How to spend $50billion to make the world a better place, Cambridge University Press.Anne Mills and Sam Shillcutt (2006)Communicable Diseases,in How to spend $50 billion tomake the world a better place, Cambridge University Press.Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler (2006)The Challenge of Reducing the Global Incidence of CivilWar,in How to spend $50 billion to make the world a better place, Cambridge UniversityPress.Lant Pritchett (2006)Toward a New Consensus for Addressing the Global Challenge of theLack of Education,in How to spend $50 billion to make the world a better place, CambridgeUniversity Press.
Susan Rose-Ackerman (2006)The Challenge of Poor Governance and Corruption,in How tospend $50 billion to make the world a better place, Cambridge University Press.Jere R. Behrman, Harold Alderman, and John Hoddinot (2006)Hunger and Malnutrition,inHow to spend $50 billion to make the world a better place, Cambridge University Press.9
Philip Martin (2006)Population and Migration,in How to spend $50 billion to make theworld a better place, Cambridge University Press.Frank Rijsberman (2006)The Water Challenge,in How to spend $50 billion to make theworld a better place, Cambridge University Press.Kym Anderson (2006)Subsidies and Trade Barriers,in How to spend $50 billion to makethe world a better place, Cambridge University Press.