Udenrigsudvalget (URU) Alm. del

Samling: 2010-11 (1. samling)

Bilag 40

Invitation til konferencen "The concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the role of the United Nations in conflict prevention, particularly regarding the Black Sea Area" d. 3/12-10, fra FN-forbundet
Dokumentdato: 24-11-2010
Modtaget: 24-11-2010
Omdelt: 25-11-2010

Invitation til konferencen "The concept of Responsibility to Protect (R2P) and the role of the United Nations in conflict prevention, particularly regarding the Black Sea Area" d. 3/12-10, fra FN-forbundet

Programme for conference 3 Decemeber 2010 (pdf-version)