Trafikudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
TRU Alm.del
DG MoveAtt. Head of Unit, Jean-Louis Colson[email protected]
Dato30. marts 2011J. nr.Sagsbeh. ABL
Anna Langskov LorentzenTelefon 33 92 34 17[email protected]
Dear Jean-Louis Colson,As you may already have heard in Denmark CEO of DSB, Søren Eriksenstepped down on March 17. This was due to the fact that a number of issuesopen to criticism led to a strong qualification from the auditors.The auditors have expressed a qualified opinion relating to DSB's business rela-tions with DSBFirst and the transfer of maintenance of train sets at Helgolandfrom DSB to DSB's new Maintenance Company:”During the Management Audit it is our opinion that DSB's management of theintercompany transactions with DSBFirst and the transfer of maintenance oftrain sets at Helgoland has not been carried out with sufficient comprehensionand proper consideration of the special requirements, which apply to competi-tion exposed activities, including the need for the preparation of necessary do-cumentation for the transactions prior to the trading. In particular, we empha-sise the transfer of contractual rights regarding maintenance of train sets atHelgoland from DSBFirst to DSB Vedligehold A/S. We therefore find that itcannot be documented that DSB's management of the competition exposed ac-tivities has been correct,” it says in the statement regarding the managementaudit.The Danish Ministry of Transport has taken immediate action to investigatethese transactions and in relation to this KPMG assists us with in depth analy-sis of the particular transactions in question.Furthermore the Danish Ministry of Transport has engaged Kammeradvokaten– the legal advisor to the Danish Government - in order to clarify whether un-lawful use of state aid has taken place.At this early stage it is impossible to foresee the outcome of the different ana-lyses. However we wish to emphasise to the Commission that we are doing eve-rything in our power to make sure that all EU regulations concerning the use ofstate aid is fully respected.We will keep the Commission informed about the situation.Kind regards,Lasse Winterberg
TransportministerietFrederiksholms Kanal 27 F1220 København KTelefon 33 92 33 55Telefax 33 12 38 93[email protected]www.trm.dkBankEANCVRDanske Bank,reg. 0216 kt. 4069 0658 80579800089342943265717
Head of Unit
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