Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
MPU Alm.del
STRATEGY FOR RESOURCE MOBILIZATION IN SUPPORT OF THE ACHIEVEMENT OFTHE CONVENTION’S THREE OBJECTIVESDecision as adopted (Advance unedited version)*A.Concrete activities and initiatives including measurable targetsand/or indicators to achieve the strategic goals contained in thestrategy for resource mobilization and on indicators to monitor theimplementation of the Strategy
The Conference of the Parties,Recallingthe strategy for resource mobilization in support of the achievement of theConvention’s objectives adopted in decision IX/11 B,Having consideredrecommendation 3/8 of the third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Groupon Review of Implementation of the Convention,Reaffirmingthe commitment of Parties to meet the obligations set out in the provisions ofArticle 20 of the Convention and in accordance with the Rio Principles,Emphasizingthat any new and innovative funding mechanisms are supplementary and do notreplace, the financial mechanisms established under the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention,Bearing in mindthe Strategic Plan of the Convention for the period 2011-2020,InvitesParties that have not done so to appoint a “resource mobilization focal point” to1.facilitate national implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization;Reiteratesthat national implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization should2.include, as appropriate, the design and dissemination of a country-specific resource mobilization strategy,with the involvement of key stakeholders, in the frame of updated national biodiversity strategy andaction plans;Requeststhe Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of resources, to organize3.regional and subregional workshops to assist with the development of country-specificresource-mobilization strategies, including for indigenous and local communities, as part of updatingnational biodiversity strategy and action plans, to promote exchange of experience and good practice infinancing for biological diversity and to facilitate the national monitoring of the outcomes ofcountry-specific resource mobilization strategies;
*This is an advanced unedited text reflecting the decision as adopted on the basis of document
UNEP/CBD/COP/10/L.45 and any amendments made during the closing Plenary session. It has not beenformally edited. The final official version of the decision will be issued as part of the report of the meeting indue course.Statements made by Parties at the time of the adoption of the decision will also be included in the report.
ADVANCE UNEDITED TEXTPage 24.Requeststhe Global Environment Facility to provide timely and adequate financialsupport to updating national biodiversity strategies and action plans, which may include the developmentof country-specific resource mobilization strategies;Decidesthat the global monitoring reports on the implementation of the strategy for5.resource mobilization should be prepared in time for consideration by the Conference of the Parties at itsordinary meetings, and with national and regional participation, should provide essential information onthe status and trends in biodiversity financing as well as help to disseminate funding knowledge andknow-how as related to biodiversity;Requeststhe Executive Secretary, within available resources, to undertake concrete6.activities and initiatives to achieve the strategic goals of the strategy for resource mobilization, whichcould include,inter alia,the following:(a)mobilization;(b)priorities;(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)Periodic global monitoring reports on the implementation of the strategy for resourceRegional or subregional workshops to assess funding needs and identify gaps andGlobal support to the development of national financial plans for biodiversity;Continuation of the Development and Biodiversity Initiative;Further activities on new and innovative financial mechanisms;Training for resource mobilization focal points;Global forums on biodiversity and associated ecosystem services;
Adoptsthe following indicators for monitoring the implementation of the strategy for7.resource mobilization, based on its mission and eight goals:(1)Aggregated financial flows, in the amount and where relevant percentage, of biodiversity-related funding, per annum, for achieving the Convention’s three objectives, in a mannerthat avoids double counting, both in total and in,inter alia,the following categories:(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i)(2)(a)(b)(c)(d)Official Development Assistance;Domestic budgets at all levels;Private sector;Non-governmental organizations, foundations, and academia;International financial institutions;United Nations organizations, funds and programmes;Non-ODA public funding;South-South cooperation initiatives;Technical cooperation;Assessed values of biodiversity, in accordance with the Convention;Identified and reported funding needs, gaps and priorities;Developed national financial plans for biodiversity;Been provided with the necessary funding and capacity building to undertake theabove activities;
Number of countries that have:
ADVANCE UNEDITED TEXTPage 3(3)(4)(5)(6)Amount of domestic financial support, per annum, in respect of those domestic activitieswhich are intended to achieve the objectives of this Convention;Amount of funding provided through the Global Environment Facility and allocated tobiodiversity focal area.Level of CBD and Parties’ support to other financial institutions that promote replicationand scaling-up of relevant successful financial mechanisms and instruments.Number of international financing institutions, United Nations organizations, funds andprogrammes, and the Development Agencies that report to the Development AssistanceCommittee of Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD/DAC),with biodiversity and associated ecosystem services as a cross-cutting policy;Number of Parties that integrate considerations on biological diversity and its associatedecosystem services in development plans, strategies and budgets;Number of South-South cooperation initiatives conducted by developing country Partiesand those that may be supported by other Parties and relevant partners, as a complementto necessary North-South cooperation;Amount and number of South-South and North-South technical cooperation andcapacity-building initiatives that support biodiversity;Number of global initiatives that heighten awareness on the need for resourcemobilization for biodiversity;Amount of financial resources from all sources from developed countries to developingcountries to contribute to achieving the Convention’s objectives;Amount of financial resources from all sources from developed countries to developingcountries towards the implementation of the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan of the Convention;Resources mobilized from the removal, reform or phase out of incentives, includingsubsidies, harmful to biodiversity, which could be used for the promotion of positiveincentives, including but not limited to innovative financial mechanisms, that areconsistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations, takinginto account national social and economic conditions;Number of initiatives and respective amounts, supplementary to the financial mechanismestablished under Article 21, that engage Parties and relevant organizations on new andinnovative financial mechanisms, which consider intrinsic values and all other values ofbiodiversity, in accordance with the objectives of the Convention and its ABS Protocol;Number of access and benefit-sharing initiatives and mechanisms, consistent with theConvention and when in effect, the Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fairand Equitable Sharing of the Benefits Arising out of Their Utilization, includingawareness-raising, that enhance resource mobilization;
Committedto substantially increasing resources (financial, human and technical) from all8.sources, balanced with the effective implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity and itsStrategic Plan for the period 2011-2020, against an established baseline. To achieve this, the Conferenceof the Parties:InvitesParties and other Governments to implement these indicators and associated(a)targets following collection of information from the Parties and advice of the Executive Secretary to theConference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting, consistent with target 20 of the Strategic Plan for theperiod 2011-2020, in accordance with the process below;InvitesParties, other Governments and levels of governments, relevant international(b)organizations, and civil-society organizations, in response to the indicators contained in paragraph 7/…
ADVANCE UNEDITED TEXTPage 4above and other information pertinent to the indicators, to submit information in the next six months notlater than 30 June 2011 for the Secretariat to compile and present a synthesis of this information;(c)InvitesParties, relevant organizations and initiatives, such as the World People’sConference on Climate Change and the Right of Mother Earth, to submit information concerninginnovative financial mechanisms with potential to generate new and additional financial resources as wellas possible problems that could undermine the achieving of the Convention’s three objectives, in the nextsix months not later than 30 June 2011 for the Secretariat to compile and present a synthesis of thisinformation;Requeststhe Executive Secretary to compile information from all sources including but(d)not limited to the Biodiversity Indicator Partnership to give methodological guidance to the aboveindicators including collaborating with OECD/DAC and informed by the work of the AHTEG onindicators for the Strategic Plan of the Convention for the period 2011-2020;Requeststhe Executive Secretary to provide guidelines during 2011 to the Parties for the(e)implementation of this methodology on the application of indicators and establishment of a baseline year;InvitesParties to apply the methodology during 2011-2012 to measure gaps and needs as(f)well as progress in the increase in, and mobilization of, resources against the indicators set out inparagraph 7 of the present decision, using the baseline year established above;(g)InvitesParties to present relevant information to the Secretariat in a timely mannerRequeststhe Executive Secretary to compile and consolidate information from all(h)relevant sources, and on this, determine baselines to be presented to the Conference of the Parties at itseleventh meeting for agreement by the Parties;Decidesto adopt targets at its eleventh meeting, provided that robust baselines have been(i)identified and endorsed and that an effective reporting frame-work has been adopted. This will allowprogress towards the targets set out in this decision and towards target 20 of the Strategic Plan, includingan effective reporting framework, to be used in assessing the information provided by Parties as outlinedin this decision for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties at its eleventh meeting;.9.Considersthe following for the development of targets:(a)Increase the annual international financial flows by 2020 to partner countries tocontribute to achieving the Convention’s three objectives.(b)All Parties, provided with adequate financial resources, will have, by 2015:(i)(ii)Reported funding needs, gaps and priorities;Assessed and/or evaluated the intrinsic value, ecological, genetic, socialeconomic, scientific, educational, cultural, recreational and aesthetic values ofbiological diversity and its components;Prepare national financial plans for biodiversity.
(c)Increase the number of initiatives for the removal, reform or phase out of incentives,including subsidies harmful to biodiversity, which could be used for the promotion of positive incentivesthat are consistent and in harmony with the Convention and other international obligations;InvitesParties to submit, through the Executive Secretary, information to the Working10.Group on Review of Implementation regarding their views about the basis upon which targets are to beadopted at eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties;Recognizingthat many developing countries have undertaken analyses of the values of11.their biodiversity and are working to close the financial gap to effectively conserve their biologicalresources,invitesParties to share their experiences and lessons learned, andcalls upondevelopedcountries to respond to the needs identified, and to create enabling conditions for those countries yet toundertake such analyses to identify their respective needs.
ADVANCE UNEDITED TEXTPage 512.Invitesthe Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for EconomicCo-operation and Development (OECD/DAC) to revisit the Rio Markers with a view to providemethodological guidance and coherence in support of paragraph 7 (1a);Notes with appreciationthe “Policy statement on the integration of biodiversity and its13.associated ecosystem services into development co-operation” by the OECD DAC at its senior levelmeeting on 15 April 2010;14.Stresses the importanceof mobilizing the necessary resources for mainstreamingbiodiversity in national strategies for sustainable development (NSSD) and Poverty Reduction Strategiesin order to integrate biodiversity better in the national, regional and local decision-making processes, inthe light of this strategy for resource mobilization;15.Invitesdonor Parties to provide timely and adequate financial support to the realization ofthe concrete activities and initiatives to achieve the strategic goals of the strategy for resourcemobilization.B.Review of implementation of the Convention’s strategy for resourcemobilization (goals 1, 3 and 4, as well as goals 6 and 8)
The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity1.Takes note ofthe document pertinent to goals 1, 3 and 4 as well as goals 6 and 8 of theresource mobilization strategy in support of the achievement of the Convention’s three objectives,prepared by the Executive Secretary, in accordance with paragraph 5 of decision IX/11 B;Decidesto continue review of implementation of goals 1, 3 and 4 as well as goals 6 and 82.of the Convention’s strategy for resource mobilization at the twelfth meeting of the Conference of theParties, in accordance with decision IX/11 B;Requeststhe Ad Hoc Open Ended Working Group on Review of Implementation of the3.Convention at its fourth meeting, with support of the Executive Secretary, to prepare for reviews ofimplementation of the Convention’s strategy for resource mobilization to be undertaken by the eleventhmeeting of the Conference of the Parties, in accordance with decision IX/11 B;InvitesParties and relevant organizations to submit views, information and experience on4.the implementation of the Strategy for Resource Mobilization, andrequeststhe Executive Secretary toprepare a compilation of the information received for consideration by the Ad Hoc Open Ended WorkingGroup on Review of Implementation of the Convention at its fourth meeting.