Forsvarsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
FOU Alm.del
Tuesday 2 November 2010
UK–France Summit 2010 Declaration on Defence and SecurityCo-operation1. The UK and France are natural partners in security and defence. As permanent members of theUnited Nations Security Council, NATO Allies, European Union members, and Nuclear WeaponsStates, we share many common interests and responsibilities. We are proud of our outstanding andexperienced armed forces and our advanced defence industries.2. We are determined to act as leaders in security and defence. Security and prosperity areindivisible. That is why, between us, we invest half of the defence budget of European nations andtwo thirds of the research and technology spending. We are among the most active contributors tooperations in Afghanistan and in other crises areas around the world. We are equally among the fewnations able and ready to fulfil the most demanding military missions. Today, we have reached alevel of mutual confidence unprecedented in our history.3. Together we face new challenges such as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction andballistic missiles, terrorism, cyber attacks, maritime and space security. We must be ready toprevent, deter, defend against and counter those threats. More than ever, we need defencecapabilities that are robust, can be rapidly deployed and are able to operate together and with arange of allies4. In addition, a threat to our vital interests could also emerge at any time. We do not see situationsarising in which the vital interests of either nation could be threatened without the vital interests ofthe other also being threatened.5. Today, we have decided to intensify our co-operation still further. We want to enable our forcesto operate together, to maximise our capabilities and to obtain greater value for money from ourinvestment in defence. We plan to increase the range and ambition of our joint defence equipmentprogrammes, and to foster closer industrial co-operation.6. We believe this co-operation will benefit all our Allies and contribute to the security of theAtlantic Alliance, the European Union and our friends overseas.
Defence7. We have decided:a) to sign a Defence & Security Co-operation Treaty to develop co-operation between our ArmedForces, the sharing and pooling of materials and equipment including through mutualinterdependence, the building of joint facilities, mutual access to each other’s defence markets, andindustrial and technological co-operation;b) to collaborate in the technology associated with nuclear stockpile stewardship in support of ourrespective independent nuclear deterrent capabilities, in full compliance with our internationalobligations, through unprecedented co-operation at a new joint facility at Valduc in France that willmodel performance of our nuclear warheads and materials to ensure long-term viability, securityand safety – this will be supported by a joint Technology Development Centre at Aldermaston inthe UK;c) to sign a Letter of Intent, creating a new framework for exchanges between our Armed Forces onoperational matters;d) to direct the UK-France High Level Working Group to strengthen its work on industrial andarmament cooperation; ande) to pursue joint initiatives in the areas detailed belowOperations and training
8. Combined Joint Expeditionary Force. We will develop a Combined Joint Expeditionary Forcesuitable for a wide range of scenarios, up to and including high intensity operations. It will involveall three Services: there will be a land component comprised of formations at national brigade level,maritime and air components with their associated Headquarters, and logistics and supportfunctions. It will not involve standing forces but will be available at notice for bilateral, NATO,European Union, United Nations or other operations. We will begin with combined air and landexercises during 2011 and will develop the concept before the next UK-France Summit andprogress towards full capability in subsequent years. The Force will stimulate greaterinteroperability and coherence in military doctrine, training and equipment requirements.9. Aircraft carriers. The UK has decided to install catapults and arresting gear to its futureoperational aircraft carrier. This will create opportunities for UK and French aircraft to operate offcarriers from both countries. Building primarily on maritime task group co-operation around theFrench carrier Charles de Gaulle, the UK and France will aim to have, by the early 2020s, theability to deploy a UK-French integrated carrier strike group incorporating assets owned by bothcountries. This will ensure that the Royal Navy and the French Navy will work in the closest co-ordination over the next generation.Equipment and capabilities10. A400M support. We are developing a common support plan for our future fleets of A400Mtransport aircraft. This will reduce costs, improve spares availability and open the way for furtherco-operation in maintenance, logistics and training, for both deployed and home-based operations.We are in the final stages of negotiations with industry to agree a single contract with AirbusMilitary, which is to be signed by the end of 2011 so that integrated support is in place for thearrival of the first French aircraft in 2013.11. A400M training. We will establish a bilateral Joint User Group to facilitate co-operation on thedevelopment of A400M training to inform operating techniques and procedures as well as exploringopportunities for synthetic and live training.12. Submarine technologies and systems. We plan to develop jointly some of the equipment andtechnologies for the next generation of nuclear submarines. To that end, we will launch a joint studyand agree arrangements in 2011. Co-operation will help to sustain and rationalise our combinedindustrial base and will also generate savings through the sharing of development activities,procurement methods and technical expertise.13. Maritime mine countermeasures. We will align plans for elements of mine countermeasuresequipment and systems. This could provide efficiencies, ensure interoperability and help sustain theFranco-British industrial base in the underwater sector. We will therefore establish a commonproject team in 2011 to agree the specifications for a prototype mine countermeasures system.14. Satellite communications. We will assess the potential for co-operation on future militarysatellite communications, with a view to reducing overall costs while preserving nationalsovereignty. We aim to complete a joint concept study in 2011 for the next satellites to enter intoservice between 2018 and 2022.15. Air to air refuelling and passenger air transport. We are currently investigating the potential touse spare capacity that may be available in the UK’s Future Strategic Tanker Aircraft (FSTA)programme to meet the needs of France for air to air refuelling and military air transport, provided itis financially acceptable to both nations.Unmanned air systems16. Unmanned Air Systems have become essential to our armed forces. We have agreed to worktogether on the next generation of Medium Altitude Long Endurance Unmanned Air SurveillanceSystems. Co-operation will enable the potential sharing of development, support and training costs,
and ensure that our forces can work together. We will launch a jointly funded, competitiveassessment phase in 2011, with a view to new equipment delivery between 2015and 2020.17. In the longer term, we will jointly assess requirements and options for the next generation ofUnmanned Combat Air Systems from 2030 onwards. Building on work already started under thedirection of the UK-France High Level Working Group, we will develop over the next two years ajoint technological and industrial roadmap. This could lead to a decision in 2012 to launch a jointTechnology and Operational Demonstration programme from 2013 to 2018.Defence industry18. We have reached an agreement on a 10 year strategic plan for the British and French ComplexWeapons sector, where we will work towards a single European prime contractor and theachievement of efficiency savings of up to 30%. The strategy will maximise efficiency in deliveringmilitary capability, harness our technologies more effectively, permit increasing interdependence,and consolidate our Complex Weapons industrial base. We plan to launch a series of ComplexWeapons projects in 2011 (development of the anti-surface missile FASGW(H)/ANL, assessmentof enhancements to the Scalp/Storm Shadow cruise missiles, and a joint technology roadmap forshort range air defence technologies). Co-operation in this industrial sector will serve as a test casefor initiatives in other industrial sectors.Research and technology19. We will continue with our significant R&T co-operation, devoting an annual budget of €50meach to shared research and development, with the aim of increasing this where possible. Our jointwork will focus on a set of 10 priority areas that will include time critical research support tosatellite communications, unmanned systems, naval systems and complex weapons. It will alsoinclude new areas of critical industrial importance such as sensors, electronic warfare technologies,and materials, as well as novel areas such as simulation and a jointly funded PhD programme.
Cyber security20. Cyber attacks are an increasing challenge for the security of government and critical nationalinfrastructure, especially at times of conflict. Our national infrastructures increasingly rely onconnected information technology and computer networks. France and the UK will stand together inconfronting the growing threats we face to our cyber security. We have therefore agreed aframework which will govern our enhanced co-operation in this crucial area, leading tostrengthened individual and common resilience.Counter-terrorism21. We are committed to confronting all forms of terrorism, at home and abroad, and remainvigilant in the face of the ongoing threat to our countries. We plan to develop our excellent co-operation in the following areas: the early detection of terrorist activities and terrorist recruitment;the sharing of information on changes in the national threat level; the prevention of terrorismthrough nuclear, radiological, biological, chemical and explosive devices, including through theCyclamen programme for screening traffic passing through the Channel Tunnel; the protection ofour populations and critical infrastructure; the security of commercial aviation; and our support tobuild the capacity of countries outside Europe for the fight against terrorism.
International securityNATO22. NATO remains the fundamental guarantor of Europe’s security. We share the same objectivesfor the forthcoming NATO Summit in Lisbon. In particular, we are looking for major decisions onreform to ensure NATO’s efficiency and effectiveness. We also want a new Strategic Concept that:makes clear NATO’s continuing commitment to collective territorial defence and to addressingthreats to Allies’ security wherever they stem from; addresses new threats to Allies’ fundamentalsecurity interests; and underlines NATO’s desire to work with a wide range of partners. In this
context, we will pursue closer co-operation across the board between NATO and the EU, and alasting partnership between NATO and Russia based on practical co-operation and reciprocity.23. As long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance. British and Frenchindependent strategic nuclear forces, which have a deterrent value of their own, contribute to overalldeterrence and therefore to Allies’ security. These national minimum nuclear deterrents arenecessary to deter threats to our vital interests. We will support a decision in Lisbon on territorialmissile defence, based on the expansion of the ALTBMD system, which is financially realistic,coherent with the level of the threat arising from the Middle East, and allows for a partnership withRussia. Missile defence is a complement to deterrence, not a substitute.European Union24. We continue to support the objectives and full implementation of decisions taken by theDecember 2008 European Council, under the French EU Presidency. In particular we encourage allEuropean Union members to develop their military, civilian, and civilian-military capabilities, sothat European countries can become more effective at delivering security and responding to crises.25. European Union operations off the coast of Somalia and in Georgia, Bosnia and Kosovocontribute to the overall security of NATO Allies. We will encourage closer co-operation andcomplementarity between the EU and NATO. We look forward to further progress by the end of2011 and will work with the Belgian, Hungarian and Polish EU Presidencies to that end.Counter-proliferation26. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery is among the mostserious threats to international peace and security. We will work to strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, one of the cornerstones of the international security architecture, and willsupport ongoing efforts across its three pillars: non-proliferation, the peaceful use of nuclear energy,and disarmament. We call on all countries to adopt robust measures to counter proliferators such asIran and North Korea.Iran27. Iran’s nuclear proliferation activities and its persistent violation of IAEA and UN SecurityCouncil Resolutions are of the utmost concern. A choice by Iran’s leaders to respect theseResolutions and to resolve the concerns of the international community would open up a wide rangeof new opportunities for the Iranian people. We call on Iran to engage in serious dialogue with theSix in order to agree a credible solution, consistent with Security Council Resolutions that wouldprovide a long term guarantee of the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme. Until such asolution is in place, we call on all countries to follow the EU’s lead by implementing stringent,targeted sanctions.Afghanistan28. We commend the bravery and sacrifice of our forces in Afghanistan and of their Afghan andISAF comrades. The long term stability of Afghanistan and Pakistan and the elimination of theterrorist threat are crucial for our security. Afghan and international efforts are bearing fruit. Wewill enhance our contribution to the NATO-led effort to train Afghan forces. At the NATO Summitin Lisbon, we expect NATO to launch an orderly transition process for the transfer of securityresponsibilities to the Afghan authorities, in those areas where the conditions allow. We also call onthe Afghan authorities, consistent with their commitments, to improve governance and to fight drugtrafficking. We support the Afghan government’s efforts to extend a hand to insurgents whorenounce terror, cut all ties with Al Qaeda and accept the Afghan Constitutional framework.Pakistan29. We recognise the major challenges faced by Pakistan: devastating floods, violent extremism andmilitancy, democratic reform, and economic stability. We are determined to help Pakistan transformitself into a more stable, prosperous and democratic country by providing development assistance
and supporting greater trade and investment. We will build a long term partnership with Pakistan,both bilaterally and through the EU and the Friends of Democratic Pakistan group. While werecognise the increased actions taken by Pakistan towards tackling violent extremism within itsborders, we call on Pakistani civilian and military authorities to redouble their efforts to fight anddefeat terror networks and Taleban sanctuaries.Summary30. We have instructed the Senior Level Group, which will be set up under the terms of the newTreaty for Defence and Security Co-operation, to oversee work in all of these areas and to reportback to us at our next Summit to be held in France in 2011.