Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2010-11 (1. samling)
UVT Alm.del Bilag 228
Dear colleagues, following our meeting this morning for which I thank you all very much, I am sending belowand in the attached document the information I have got concerning the initiative of STOA to organise ameeting in which they would like to count with the participation of Members of the National Parliaments.We will provide more information as soon as it will be available and if you would like to meet with theresponsible officials in STOA service I would be pleased to organise a meeting for you with them at the bestconvenience for everybody.I remain at your disposal.Best regards,Josep M.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
STOA (the Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel of the EP) wishes to organise aMeeting with National Parliaments on Parliamentary Technology AssessmentDate :7 September 2011, 15:00-18:30Place :European Parliament, Brussels, Room ASP 5G-2Attendees :MEPs and MPs from members of the EPTA (European Parliamentary TechnologyAssessment) Network + Chairpersons of relevant committees in NationalParliamentsThe objective of the meeting is to inform M(E)Ps about the current state ofTechnology Assessment in Europe and also to make possible an exchange betweenMPs and MEPsabout the future of Technology Assessment in Parliaments.
The attached document contains more detailed information about the meeting.You are kindly requested to inform interested committees/MPs in your own institutionabout the meeting and about the usefulness of being represented in the meeting.For any further information please contact: Miklós Györffi, STOA Secretariat, Directorate E: LegislativeCoordination and Conciliations, Directorate General for Internal Policies,
European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, ATR 00K076, B-1047 Brussels; E-mail:[email protected]; Tel: +32-2-2832505."_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Josep Maria RIBOTEUROPEAN PARLIAMENTDirectorate for Relations with National ParliamentsAdministrator - Advisor to the DirectorBrussels WIE 05 U 014 / Strasbourg PFL F00015
+32 2 283 23 54 / +33 3 88 1 76742[email protected]