Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2010-11 (1. samling), Retsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
UUI Alm.del Bilag 96, REU Alm.del Bilag 286
Brussels, 4 February 2011
Joint Parliamentary MeetingDraft Programme
'Western Balkans - towards amore integrated Europe'
Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 April 2011
Hemicycle, Paul Henri Spaak buildingEuropean Parliament - Brussels
Wednesday 13 April 2011From 10.00Arrival of participants - Reception and registration in theentrance hall of Paul Henri Spaak (PHS) buildingMeetings of the European Parliament's political groups withmembers of national ParliamentsEPP:S&D:ALDE:Greens/EFA:ECR:GUE/NGL:EFD:(Members' Restaurant/Salon, Ground Floor, Altiero Spinellibuilding (ASP), all invitations/arrangements by political groups).Plenary Session-Room: Hemicycle, 3rd floor, Paul Henri Spaak(PHS) buildingCo-chaired by:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMr LászlóKÖVÉR,President of the Hungarian NationalAssembly,OrszággyűlésOpening of the Joint Parliamentary Meeting:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMr LászlóKÖVÉR,President of the Hungarian NationalAssembly,Országgyűlés15.20 -15.40Presentation by the Guest Speaker:Mr LukaBEBIĆ,Speaker of the Croatian SaborDebateSpeakers in the ratio of one Member of the European Parliamentper two Members of national Parliaments
12.30 - 15.00
15.00 -15.20
15.40 -17.00
17.00 -19.00
Working Groups2
Working Group I"Co-operation in the area of freedom, security and justice"Meeting room: Hemicycle, 3rd floor, PHS building(The workshop covers borders, visas and migration issues, as well asjudicial and police cooperation)
Co-chairs:MEPMPRapporteur:MEP or MP
Working Group II" Integration of Citizens"Meeting room:3C050, 3rd floor, PHS building(The objective of the workshop is to highlight the inter-related issues ofcultural diversity and the success of the integration process, as well aseducational aspects of the integration of Western Balkans to the EU)
Co-chairs:MPMEPRapporteur:MP or MEP
Cocktail, followed by a buffet Dinner hosted by the Presidentof the European Parliament, Mr Jerzy BUZEKDinner venue:

Espace Yehudi Menuhin,

Paul Henri SpaakBuilding, 1st floor
Thursday 14 April 20119.30Plenary Session-Room: Hemicycle, 3rd floor, Paul Henri Spaak(PHS) buildingCo-chaired by:Mr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMr LászlóKÖVÉR,President of the Hungarian NationalAssembly,OrszággyűlésPresentation of reports by the Working GroupsWG I: MP or MEPWG II: MP or MEPStatement by the Presidency of the Council of the EuropeanUnionMr/MsStatement by the European CommissionMr/MsDebate with the participation of the Presidency of theCouncil of the European Union and the EuropeanCommissionConcluding remarksMr JerzyBUZEK,President of the European ParliamentMr LászlóKÖVÉR,President of the Hungarian NationalAssembly,Országgyűlés
9.30 - 10.00
10.00 - 10.10
10.10 - 10.20
10.20 - 12.30
End of the Joint Parliamentary Meeting