Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2010-11 (1. samling)
UUI Alm.del Bilag 108
The Mandaean Associations Union19 Ketch Rd.Morristown, NJ 07960 ,USATel: +1 973 865 1340Fax: +1973 292 3906[email protected]www.mandaeanunion.org
The Mandaean Associations UnionJuly, 01, 2010

For how long will the international community watch before it Acts to stop the

ethnic cleansing of the Mandaeans in Iraq

On The 9th June 2010 in Basra city ,Three members of the same family were shot ,Mr.TowfiekSbaittei and his son Luawi Towfiek Sebaittee were killed instantly ,His other son Hazim Tomfiekdied later in hospital ,no one was arrested neither the crime was recorded against any one.On the 25th .may 2010 Two brothers Arshed Amjed Abed Kashmer and Ahmed Amjed AbedKashmer were shot dead with silenced pistols in Al Bayaa district /Baghdad.On the 22nd,may,2010 a young mandaean man Mr.Baha Sori Zaggi was killed on his way home fromwork,He was kidnapped before paid ransom of $25000 ,was IDP and returned back to his area of AlDorrah in baghdad ,he received threats prior.Another crime against the Mandaeans of Iraq was committed on 25th,April.2010 in Al Soyyrah city –Kut south of Baghdad, a young man 27 years old Mr. Bassam Hassaney Raheim was shot in the headby unmasked men with silenced guns in a busy market place in the early hours of the morning he wastransferred to a hospital in Baghdad .He died later from his injuries on the 28th,April.2010.This fellows another similar killing with silenced guns with shots to the head also to anothermandaean man Mr., Niem Younes Medlol on the 8th, Feb., 2010 in AL Saiedia district in Baghdad,also in the early hours of the morning in a busy market place.Mr.Niem Younes went back to work inBaghdad from Syria to support his family as they run out of funds.Prior to that on Saturday 19th of September 2009. This time is in Basra, Iraq. Two Young mandaeanmen, Mr Farqad Faiq Authman and Mr. Muhand Qasim Abdul-Razzaq both in there twenties weremassacred by four unmasked gun men using silenced guns and knives. After several bullets in theirheads they were knifed down and left to die in their shops.Mr.Muhand Qasem returned to Iraq withhis family from Jordan to work as they used all of their savings after the rejection of the Australianauthorities to their application for humanitarian asylum as refugees, his father died soon after theirarrival in Iraq.These are the most recent crimes in the series of crimes against the Mandaeans in Iraq that happenedin the last months. Other previous killing in 2009 isOn the 2nd of September of Abdul Wahid AlBender and his family were attacked in their homein Baghdad Aljedida district by armed men resulting in the killing of this elderly gentleman andthe injuries of his wife.On the 6th,august 2009 the killing of Mr. We ‘am Abdul Nabi Lazem in his shop in Iskan districtof Baghdad.On the 25th,april 2009 Mr.Sameer Araby shamkhi killed in Al Shaab district- BaghdadOn the 19thApril 2009In the same way the killing of two men Mr.Haytham Hameed Al Badri ,Mr.Louay Asad AlBadriand a child of 8 years old Uns Haytham Hameed Al Badri in Tobchi area Baghdad . Allprofessionally executed in busy shopping areas with security presence, the total number of thereported killings to the MHRG –the Manadaean Human Rights Group stand now at 166 since 2003.
2The recent incidences are taking a cyclical pattern which raise the possibility of a programmedcleansing as it is not related to the security situation in Iraq in general .. These incidences caused a lotof fear and disturbance in our communities inside Iraq and our refugees in Syria and other countries.The Mandaeans are minority community that lived in Iraq for thousands of years. Out of acommunity of 50,000-60,000 before 2003 less than 5,000 remain inside Iraq. 85% of the communityare either refugees or are seeking refuge and are mainly in Syria and Jordan as a result of targeted andsustained extreme religious hatred and violence.We ask of you to act to stop this genocide against one of the oldest monotheistic communities in theMiddle East. Their only crime is they are different in religion and ethnicity. We ask of theinternational community to stand up and force the Iraqi government to act to provide security andsafety to the Iraqi minorities we the undersigned condemn these serious crimes and demand thefollowing:That the IRAQI Government acts immediately to stop the genocide against the Mandaeansand find the criminals and the organizations behind them and bring justice to the victims.That the Iraqi government instates a system of protection for the Mandaeans and OtherMinorities in Iraq by establishing the minorities’ Security Council.That the international community intervenes to secure the rights of ethnic and religiousminorities according to the UN articles and international laws.That the United States, Australia or the European Union should act immediately to acceptthe 1000 Mandaean refugee families in Syria collectively without delay and resettle them inone place to prevent the demise of this small peaceful community.The International community should take serious and active steps to stop the destruction ofMandaean people and their culture and find a durable solution to their desperate situation.The Mandaeans are in danger of extinction in their homeland. The international community muststand up and save the Mandaeans of Iraq. We ask you all to help stop these atrocities and to bringpeace and security to The Iraqi Mandaeans.The Mandaean Associations UnionThe Mandaean Human Rights Group