Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 96
EGYPT: NEW HOPE FOR DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTSCairo, February 12: Insolidarity with the pro-democracy and human rights movement ofEgypt, a mission was carried out by The Euro-Mediterrenean Human Rights Network(EMHRN) in Cairo from the 9-12 February 2011.The EMHRN hails the extraordinary courage and determination of the Egyptianpeople, men and women alike, to win its freedom and put an end to HosniMubarak’s rule of the country through its peaceful and historic action supportedby all strands of the population, with the young generation taking the lead. TheEMHRN honours the memory of the hundreds who lost their lives in this strugglefor liberty.The EMHRN calls on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to stand by its promiseto abide by the will of the Egyptian people and start a transparent process leading toconstitutional reform, free and fair Presidential and Parliamentary elections – ensuringfull participation of women.It calls on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces to immediately end thirty years ofemergency rule, release all those who were arrested for peaceful action since 25January, and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for the crimes during thepast 18 days comprising:Shooting of peaceful demonstrators by police and snipersAttacks on demonstrators by armed militias and thugsWithdrawal of police protection from the streetsKilling of prisonersDisinformation about foreigners and journalists by government controlled medialeading to physical assaults against them and their arrestsArrests, incommunicado detention, ill treatment and torture of peaceful activists,including 28 national and international human rights activistsCutting off nationwide internet and mobile phone connections
In general, the Supreme Council should protect protesters and other activists againstreprisals by security forces, take necessary steps to end torture in police security andreveal the fate of those who have disappeared. Also it should release all politicalprisoners.
The first step towards transition has now been taken. Ahead lie enormous challenges ofinitiating and implementing the reforms the Egyptian population has yearned for; thesemust include the adoption of electoral laws conforming to democratic standards,adopting a new political party law, laws on association, media and informationconforming to international human rights standards. Further needed steps includedissolving the state security agencies, reforming the judiciary guaranteeing itsindependence; ensuring equal rights of women and men in legislation and practice,protecting the rights of refugees and migrants, bringing an end to corruption and acts ofembezzlement and ensuring equal access to economic and social rights of all Egyptians.The international community should provide maximum support to Egypt in the processtowards democracy.It should provide sustained support to freedom, justice and democracy movements in theother countries of the Middle East and North Africa seeking to follow the path of Tunisiaand Egypt.---------------------The EMHRN mission was composed ofWadih Ange Al Asmar (member of the EMHRN Executive Committee, andsecretary general of the Lebanese Centre for Human Rights)Jesus Nunez, mandated by ACSUR-Las Segovias and director of IECAH(Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Accion Humanitaria) (Institute of Studieson Conflicts and Humanitarian Action) (Spain);Nejla Sammakia, human rights expertMarc Schade-Poulsen, Executive Director, EMHRNMore information:Marc Schade-Poulsen, Executive Director, EMHRN (Danish, French, English): +4551205515Shaimaa Ebou Elkhir, Communications Officer, EMHRN (Arabic, English):+20101077207