Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 7
PROPERTY RIGHTS AND POVERTYOpen conference with Hernando de Soto, 12 October 2010, at Eigtveds Pakhus in Copenhagen.The Peruvian development thinker, Hernando de Soto, is famous for his theories on the role of formal prop-erty rights for income and employment creation among the poor. The Danish Minister for Development Co-operation, Mr Søren Pind, the Ugandan Minister for Lands, Housing and Development, Hon. Daniel OmaraAtubo as well as a number of Danish and international leaders and experts will participate to discuss howthe theories of Mr Hernando de Soto could be applied in Danish development assistance.To register please go to www.danidadevforum.um.dkTime14.00-14.0514.05-14.10ThemeOpeningMaking use of Hernando de Soto’s theo-ries in Danish development assistance– issues and ways forwardProperty rights and poverty– perspectives from AfricaEmpowering the poor to growth in wealthand employment opportunitiesInterview and plenary discussionsIssues and lessons learned in promotinggrowth in wealth and employment for thepoorPresenterFacilitator, Mr Steffen Kretz, DRMinister for Development Cooperation,Mr Søren PindMinister of Lands, Housing and UrbanDevelopment, Hon. Daniel Omara Atubo, UgandaMr Hernando de Soto, Institute for Libertyand DemocracyFacilitator, Mr Steffen Kretz, DRPanel 1• Mr Milford Bateman/ODI• Mr Stephen Golub, Legal empowerment expert• Mr Yefred Myenzi/HakiArdhi, Tanzania• Mr Jens Anders Kovsted, Copenhagen BusinessSchool• Ms Betty Maina, Kenya Association ofManufacturersPanel 2• Danish Ambassador to Mozambique,Mr Johnny Flentø• Mr Joseph Shewiyo, Asst. Commissioner,Ministry of Lands, Housing and HumanSettlements, Tanzania• Mr Olav Kjørven, UNDP• Stephen Rusibamayila, MKURABITA, Tanzania• Mr Christian Lund, Professor, RUC• Mr Ib Petersen, Secretary of State forDevelopment Cooperation
Managing reform processes and buildingcoalitions for change
Closing remarksDrinks and networking