Forsvarsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling), Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2010-11 (1. samling)
FOU Alm.del Bilag 54, URU Alm.del Bilag 65, UPN Alm.del Bilag 56
The Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairshave the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar on:Afghanistan: Perspectives for a Peaceful Solution
Tuesday, 11 January 2011, 14.45-17.00
Danish Institute for International Studies
Main Auditorium
Strandgade 71, ground floor, 1401 Copenhagen K
BackgroundAfghanistan is facing a number of key challenges: The transition of security responsibilities fromforeign forces to the Afghan National Security Forces, and at some stage the exit of foreign forces; alikely reconciliation and reintegration process with insurgents and the political consequences ofthat; the need for progress in governance and development; the relationship with its neighbors. Allat the backdrop of a prolonged conflict, that has had dire human and developmental consequencesfor Afghanistan and has framed international relations for the last ten years.The debate on Afghanistan has become more and more polarized with those calling for a rapid exitof foreign troops arguing that the present military involvement is part of the problem rather thanthe solution; and those stating that international involvement (also military) in Afghanistan is a keyrequirement for peace and stability in the country, region and globally. What, in the view of thegovernment of Afghanistan, are the perspectives for continued international involvement, thepossible political solutions, and the overall benefit of the present international involvement inAfghanistan? And what can the international community in turn expect from the Afghangovernment in areas such as governance and development?Dr. Zalmai Rassoul was nominated Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic ofAfghanistan in January 2010. Prior to his appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs, dr. ZalmaiRassoul served as National Security Advisor of Afghanistan since June 2002. As National SecurityAdviser, dr. Rassoul rendered a constructive role in collaborating activities of Afghan securityinstitutions with Afghanistan’s foreign policy. Moreover, among his numerous responsibilitiesincluded conducting national threat assessments and National Security Policy. Dr. Zalmai Rassoulis a multi-linguist who speaks Pashto, Dari, English, French, Italian and Arabic.Programme14.45-15.2015.30-15-3515.35-16.15Registration and CoffeeDoors will close 15.20, after which entry is NOT possibleWelcomeNanna Hvidt, Director, DIISAfghanistan: Perspectives for a Peaceful SolutionDr. Zalmai Rassoul, Minister of Foreign Affairs of theIslamic Republic of AfghanistanPanel – Open DiscussionLars Erslev Andersen, Senior Researcher, DIISStine Heiselberg, PhD Candidate, DIIS