Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 42
Zimbabwe heading for a new reformA conference on the constitutional process, referendum and the potentialparliamentary elections.Thursday December 9, 2010 at 14.30Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke’s rooms, Fælledvej 12, 2200 Copenhagen N.Zimbabwe’s challenges are continuously growing while the international society debates what can be done tobring forward democracy and more respect for human rights. The Danish NGO-forum has invited severalinspiring and motivating representatives from the Zimbabwean civil society to Denmark to participate in aconference on the current situation in the country.The conference takes place the day before a group of donors meet in Copenhagen. The participating donorswill be invited to this civil society conference.Program:14.30 Opening of the Conference by Henrik Stubkjær, Chairman of the Danish NGO-forum14.45 Keynote Speaker Dadirai Chikwengo, Chairperson for NANGO (National Organization of NGOs), on thesituation in Zimbabwe. The focus of the presentation will be the constitutional process, thereferendum and the parliamentary elections with special attention on how to prevent violence andinjustice prevailing during the processes15.15 Debate15.45 Coffee break16.00 Workshops1) Human Rights in Zimbabwe in relation to the Constitution process, the referendum and theparliamentary elections. Workshop facilitator: Stembile Mpofu (Center for Conflict Management andTransformation/MS). Co-facilitator: Gideon Shoko (Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions).2) Peace and Reconciliation in Zimbabwe in relation to elections. Workshop facilitator: FradereckChiromba (Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference).3) Elections, information and monitoring - the role of the media and the role of international/regionalactors. Workshop facilitators: McDonald Lewanika (Crisis Coalition) & International Media Support. Co-facilitators: Abel Chikomo (Zimbabwe Human Rights Forum) & Research and Advocacy Unit4) Organization, mobilisation and support of the poor and disadvantaged/social sector support: focuson HIV and Aids + smallholder farmers. Workshop facilitators: Lillian Muzavazi (Development Aid fromPeople to People) & Thomas Mupetesi (Farmers Association of Community Self Help Groups/MS).17.00 Feedback from the workshop discussions followed by panel discussion19.00 Dinner20.30 Music and entertainmentThe conference language is English. The conference is open for all those interested, and participation is free ofcharge.Registrationby mail to NGO-forum on[email protected]no later than Thursday December 2.Please write name,organisation, position and which workshop you would like to attend – please note first and second choice.If you have questions you can contact Karen Ansbæk (MS) on tlf. +45 77 31 00 67 / mail:[email protected]orPernille Tind Simmons (NGO-forum) tlf. 33 18 78 32/ mail:[email protected]