Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 30
PNoWB 2010 Annual Conference & 10thAnniversary CelebrationProgrammeDraft program updated on 9 November 2010
Thursday 2 December– hosted by the European Parliament14.00-18.00 PNoWB annual general meeting (plenary)19.30-21.00 Opening reception– Hosted by the City of Brussels at the Grand PlaceBertin Mampaka, Deputy Mayor, Head of international cooperation, City of BrusselsCharles Michel, Minister for Development Cooperation, BelgiumHugh Bayley, MP, UK, Chairman, PNoWB
Friday, 3 December– hosted by the Belgian Parliament9.00-9.30 Welcome address by Hugh Bayley, Chairman, PNoWB (plenary)9.30-10.45 Parliament’s Role in Financing for Development (plenary)Moderator: Alain Destexhe, MP, Belgium, Vice-Chairman, PNoWBHow to use effective financing for resource mobilization & MP’s role in transparency and oversightHugh Bredenkamp, Deputy Director, IMF Strategy, Policy and Review Department,International Monetary FundInternational trade reform and regional tradeValentine Rugwabiza, Deputy Director General for Development, World Trade OrganisationStemming illicit financial flows from South to NorthRaymond Baker, Founder and Director, Global Financial IntegrityAid and innovative financing mechanismsCarlos Braga, Director, Economic Policy and Debt in the Poverty Reduction and EconomicManagement Network (PREM), World Bank Group10.45-11.15 Break
11.15-12.45 Simultaneous Breakout SessionsThe private sector’s role in developmentModerator: International Financial CorporationHervé Gallepe, Head of the private sector department, Agence Fran§aise de DéveloppementSpeakers from the International Financial CorporationBuilding partnerships between parliaments and civil society for increased oversight anddevelopment effectivenessModerator: TBDThe role of civil society in legislative strengthening and development oversightScott Hubli, Director of Governance Programs,National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)Increasing dialogue between parliament and civil society, Nigeria’s experienceAuwal Ibrahim Musa,Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), NigeriaStandards for democratic parliaments: what role for civil society?Olivier Pierre-Louveaux, Parliamentary Development Knowledge Manager,Agora Portal for Parliamentary Development (Agora)Case studies in parliamentary/CSO cooperation for increased development oversightMark Baskin, Research Professor, Center for International Development,State University of New York (SUNY/CID)Speaker from European Parliamentarians with Africa, (AWEPA)Post-crisis challenges for legislators in low-income countriesModerator: TBDChristian Mumssen, Division Chief, Strategy, Policy and Review Department,International Monetary FundSpeaker from the World Development Report on Fragile States,World Bank GroupBert Koenders, Former Minister for Development Cooperation, the Netherlands,Founding member and first Chairman, PNoWB13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.15-15.30 Evidence-Based Policymaking for Development (plenary)Moderator: Hugh Bayley, MP, UK, Chairman, PNoWBThe role of open data in evidence-based policy makingCaroline Anstey, Vice President for External Affairs, World Bank Group
From research to policy: lessons learned in policy-influencing strategiesEnrique Mendizabal, Head of Research and Policy in Development (RAPID),Overseas Development Institute (ODI)Completing the evidence-based cycle: ensuring that evaluation findings andrecommendations inform development cooperation strategiesVinod Thomas, Director General and Senior Vice President of the Independent EvaluationGroup, the World Bank Group (IEG)15.30-16.00 Break [Board elections open]
16.00-17.15 Policy solutions to reach the poorest of the poor (plenary)Moderator: Kathryn Imboden, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor (CGAP)Addressing debt and ODA in pro-poor waysNuria Molina, Director, European Network on Debt & Development (Eurodad)Examples of pro-poor macroeconomic policies in AfricaEmmanuel Nnadozie, Director, Economic Development and NEPAD Division,United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)Guiding principles for financial inclusion of the poorKathryn Imboden, Consultant, CGAPProgrammatic examples: reaching the poorest of the poorSpeaker from the World Bank Group[17.30 Board elections close]
19.30-21.30 PNoWB 10


Anniversary Reception & Board Elections ResultsHosted by the World Bank Group at Hotel Sofitel Europe, Place Jourdan
Caroline Anstey, Vice-President for External Affairs, World Bank GroupHugh Bayley, MP, UK, Chairman, PNoWBBert Koenders, Founding member and first Chairman, PNoWB, Former Minister of DevelopmentCooperation, the Netherlands
Saturday, 4 December– hosted by the Belgian parliament9.00-10.30 Simultaneous Breakout SessionsAfrica/MDG-focused sessionModerator: the World Bank GroupMDGs and accountability, what role for MPsGabriel Negatu, Director of Governance and Reform at the African Development BankColin Bruce, Director of Operations and Strategy for Africa, World Bank GroupAdditional speakers to be confirmedMeeting the Health MDGs: A conversation between researchers, legislators, programmaticexperts and funding institutionsModerator: Marleen Timmerman, Senator, Belgium, Medical Doctor, University of GentSvend Robinson, Senior Advisor, Parliamentary Relations,Global Fund for AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM)Christian Baeza, Senior Health Specialist, World Bank GroupMichael Cashman, Member of European Parliament, United KingdomGorik Ooms, Health Policy and Financing Unit, Department of Public Health,Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, BelgiumDisaster Risk Reduction: An instrument for achieving MDGsModerator: Sálvano Briceño, Director, United Nations International Strategy for DisasterReduction (UNISDR)Saumura Tioulong, MP, Deputy Chair, Second Standing Committee on SustainableDevelopment, Finance and Trade, Inter-Parliamentary UnionLoren Legarda, Senator, Chair of Climate Change Committee of the Senate and UNISDRChampion for Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia and Pacific, PhillipinesDr. Nelly Gray de Cerdán, Senator, ArgentinaAbdou Sane, MP, Chair of National Parliamentarian Network for Disaster Risk Reduction andUNISDR Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction in West Africa, SenegalGay Mitchell, Member of the European Parliament, Development Committee, Ireland
Economic development and the MDGs, is population a factor?Moderator: Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD)Speaker from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)Speaker from the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF)Speaker from the World Bank GroupSpeaker from the European Parliament
10.30-11.00 Break
11.00-12.15 Dialogue with the International Monetary FundWith Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Managing Director (plenary)
12.30-13.30 Lunch reception13.45-15.00 Development Effectiveness: Towards 2015 and Beyond (plenary)Moderator: Janette Garin, MP, Philippines, PNoWB Board memberParliamentary engagement with the MDGsKevin Deveaux, Parliamentary Development Policy Advisor,United Nations Development Program (UNDP)Preparing for the 4th High-Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness: increasing parliamentaryparticipationAlexandra Trzeciak-Duval, Head of the Policy Co-ordination Division,OECD Development Co-operation DirectorateIDA and aid effectiveness: lessons learned in multilateral financingAxel van Trotsenburg, Vice President of Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships,World Bank Group15.00-15.15 Break
15.15-16.30 Dialogue with the World Bank GroupWith Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Managing Director (plenary)
16.30-17.00 Final plenary session & closing remarksWith PNoWB newly elected Board members