Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 150
DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION FORUMHigh-level Symposium in preparation of the 2012 DCF
Salle Union Africaine – Hotel Laico L’AmitieZERO DRAFT AGENDATimeDAY 19 – 9:30 am
AgendaOpeningOfficial Opening:Government of MaliDCF role and positioning:President of ECOSOCExpectations for the Mali Symposium:UNDESA
SESSION 1:Ensuring more systematic and effective development results of aid:who defines the results and how?9:45 – 11:45 am
Getting and demonstrating results from development cooperationObjective: discuss how different providers of development cooperation can most effectivelycontribute to national development and assess/demonstrate results.
11:45 am – 1:15pm
Ownership and inclusiveness for greater impact and sustainabilityObjective: assess how to accelerate progress towards impact of aid by strengthening inclusivecountry ownership in defining/ assessing results of aid and in managing aid, with specialemphasis on reducing policy conditionalities.[With Group Discussions1]
1 :15 – 2:30 pm2:30 – 3:15 pm
Lunch Break:“Mali’s experience with the Paris Declaration, Aid Coordination and UNReform” (tbc)
Ownership and inclusiveness for greater impact and sustainability (cont.)Feedback from the group discussions and summary of the moderator
SESSION 2:Accountable development cooperation in Least Developed Countries (LDCs):Promoting better development results and impact3:15 – 6 pmObjective: as an input to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries(LDC-IV), discuss how to ensure monitoring and accountability on targets for the quantity, qualityand results of aid taking account of LDCs’ special needs without duplicating other efforts, notablythose to emanate from the LDC-IV conference.[With Group Discussions, feedback round and summary of the moderator]
Questions for group discussions and break-out sessions will be specified in the Aide Memoire.
TimeDAY 2
SESSION 3:Development results on the ground:Challenges for national and sectoral mutual accountability9 – 11:30 am
What works and what does not at country level and why?Objective: Discuss success factors and obstacles for assuring balanced mutual accountabilitybetween donors and recipients for results on aid and agree on key messages on how suchaccountability can change development cooperation behaviours and increase results.[With Group Discussions, feedback round and summary of the moderator]
11:30 am– 1 pm
Strengthened accountability for better development results in educationObjective: discuss sectoral evidence and challenges in enhancing accountability on advancingnational education goals; including whether and how to develop accountability on results of aid
1 pm – 2 pm2 – 4 pm
Lunch Break
DCF stakeholder consultations to develop positions on effectiveand results-oriented development cooperationWorking Group 1:DAC Donors and Multilateral OrganisationsWorking Group 2:G77 and ChinaWorking Group 3:Non-Executive Stakeholders (Parliament, Civil Society, LocalGovernments)
4 – 5:30 pm5:30 – 6 pm
Feedback from stakeholder consultations and discussionClosing of Symposium