Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 128
55thSession of the CSW in New York(Opdateret den 17.02.2011)DatoMandag 21/2
UN SessionsUN Holiday
Program Dansk delegation
Praktisk / BemærkningerT.o: Pernille Brix Jørgensen (UM) samtAnna Karina Heiss Mathiassen(Ligestillingsafdelingen) er ankommet i løbetaf weekenden og bor på hotellet.
Tirsdag 22/2
10.00-13.00:Opening of the sessionElection of officers (1)Adoptation of the agenda and otherorganizational matters (item 2)Introduction of documents (item 3)General discussion15.00-18.00:Two parallel high-levelround tableson the priority theme:Access and participation of womenand girls to education, training, scienceand technology, including for thepromotion of women´s equal access tofull employment and decent work
08.00-09.00: Morgenmøde, densamlede danske delegation.9.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde.
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 8852. Avenue, 18th floor.
19.30- : Nordisk MinisterrådsReception i Scandinavian House.
Sted: Scandinavia House, 58 Park Avenue
Sted: Fifth Avenue, 9th floor (indgang fra E67th)
Onsdag 23/2
10.00-13.00:Panel 1Access andparticipation of women and girls toeducation, training, science andtechnology, including for thepromotion of women´s equal access tofull employment and decent work.Focus on science and technology.Nordic statement by Finland.
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
11.30-12-45: DK/UNDP Side-eventmed deltagelse af Carsten Staur:”Rebuilding the global economy:Towards sustainable and genderequitable development”
Sted: North Lawn Building, ConferenceRoom B.
15.00-18.00:Panel 2Access andparticipation of women and girls toeducation, training, science andtechnology, including for thepromotion of women´s equal access tofull employment and decent work.Focus on education and trainingNordic statement by Denmark.
Sted: Det Finske Generalkonsulat, 65515.15-16.45: Nordisk MinisterrådsUnited Nations Plaza, 48 st.Side-event med deltagelse af nordiskeligestillingsministre.”Why access for girls and boys toeducation pays off”.
19.45-22.00: Middag for de nordiskeligestillingsministre ogdelegationsledere (”minister + 1”)
Sted: Scandinavia House, Library, 58 ParkAvenue
Torsdag 24/2
10.00-13.00:General discussion(item3 continued).13.00-15.00:Panel for 2012theempowerment of rural women andtheir role in poverty and hungereradication, development and currentchallenges.15.00-18.00:General discussion(item3 continued).
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
13.15-14.45: EU Side-event meddeltagelse fra Ligestillingsafdelingen."New skills for green jobs: whereare the women?"
Sted: Conference Room A.
18.30-20.00: Launch of UN Women.20.00-22.00: Delegationsmiddag hosFN- ambassadør Carsten Staur.
Sted: General Assembly Hall, UN HQ.
Fredag 25/210.00-13.00:Panel 3Evaluation ofprogress in the implementation of theagreed conclusions on “Theelimination of all forms ofdiscrimination and violence against thegirl child”.Nordic statement by Sweden.
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
Mandag 28/2
15.00-18.00:Informal consultations(Agreed conclusions)
Sted: Det Finske Generalkonsulat, 65513.15-14.45: Nordisk MinisterrådsUnited Nations Plaza, 48 st.Side-event med deltagelse afnordiske eksperter.”Elimination of violence against girlsand boys”.
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
10.00-13.00:General discussion(Item 3 concluded).In parallel withInformal consultations ( Agreedconclusions).
15.00-18.00:Informal consultations( Agreed conclusions).
Tirsdag 1/3
10.00-13.00:Panel 4Emerging issues,trends and new approaches to issuesaffecting the situation of women orequality between women and men.Gender Equality and sustainabledevelopment.Nordic statement by Island.15.00-18.00:Panel 5Elimination ofpreventable maternal mortality and theempowerment of women.(CSW resolution 54/5).Nordic statement by Norway.10.00-13.00:Informal consultations( Agreed conclusions).15.00-18.00:Closed meetingtoconsider the report of the WorkingGroup on Communications (Item 4)Followed byInformal consultations( Agreedconclusion
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
Onsdag 2/3
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
Torsdag 3/3
10.00-13.00:Follow up-to theEconomic and Social Councilresolutions and decisions(Item 5)introduction and discussion.Followed by:Introduction of draft proposalsIn parallel withInformal consultations( Agreedconclusions)15.00-18.00:Informal consultations( Agreed conclusions)
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 88508.00-09.00: Møde, den samlede2.Avenue, 18th floor.danske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde. Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.
Fredag 4/3
10.00-13.00:Action on draftproposals.15.00-18.00:Action on draftproposals.Provisional agenda for the 56thsessionof CSW (item 6)Adoption of the draft report of theCSW on its 55thsession (Item7)Closure of the 55thsession followed byOpening of the 56thsession, for thesole purpose of electing the Chair andother Members of the Bureau.
08.00-09.00: Møde, den samlededanske delegation.09.00-10.00: EU-koordinationsmøde
Sted: Den Danske FN Mission, 8852.Avenue, 18th floor.Sted: EU Delegationen, 222 East 41st Street20th floor.