Udenrigsudvalget 2010-11 (1. samling)
URU Alm.del Bilag 122
Executive SummaryThe United Nations Development Group (UNDG) work in Denmark in 2010The UNDG Denmark – which consists of the Heads of Agencies of UNDP, UNEP Risø, UNICEF Denmark,UNFPA, and WFP – take decisions on common communication initiatives, monitor and follow-up on jointstrategic activities and brief on agency issues that have a general interest. This group works flexible inline with the other operational UN working teams/groups: UN Communication Group (UNCG), UN CityPlanning Committee (UNCPC), Operational Management Team (OMT), UN Common Facilities FocusGroup (UNCFFG), UN House Team, and Security Management Team (SMT).
The UN system in Denmark is strengthening coordination in the framework of ’Delivering asOne’. Copenhagen has grown into the sixth largest UN City in the western hemisphere, todayhousing more than 1,300 staff members in three different UN compounds. The Danishgovernment, with inputs from the UN agencies in Copenhagen, is constructing a new ‘UN City’building and a new warehouse. This initiative will augment logistics and administration as wellas enhancing maximum collaboration among the agencies. The warehouse will be finished inNovember 2011 and the UN City in the beginning of 2013.During 2010 the UNDG Denmark held 5 meetings (12thFebruary, 15thMarch, 6thMay, 7thSeptember,and 16thDecember). The following themes were deliberated: post COP15, COP16, MillenniumDevelopment Goals (MDG), the General Assembly meeting 2010, and the Human Development Indexreview. In addition, the trends and progress in international development cooperation, particularlychanges on multilateral aid and development policies, were observed.In February 2010, the Danish government appointed a new Minister for Development Cooperation, Mr.Søren Pind. The UNDG in Denmark jointly invited Mr. Pind for an introduction to the UN in Denmark.The minister welcomed the invitation and appreciated the presentations.Ms. Asha Rose Migiro, UN Deputy Secretary-General, visited Denmark on 25 March 2010.The ‘amplified’ UNDG in Denmark (includingWHO, IOM, UNICEF Supply, and the UN CityProject Director) organized an informalgathering with her. Among others agendaitems, the UN City Initiative was presented inthe spirit of Delivering as One.
Mr. Lars Hormann, Project Director of the UN City,outlined the UN City Initiative to Ms. Asha Rose Migiroand the ‘amplified’ UNDG in Denmark on 25 March2010.
UNDG in Denmark has in the past organized fivesuccessful study tours for Nordic Members ofParliaments (MPs) of the Foreign AffairsCommittees to Zambia (2004), Malawi (2006),Mozambique (2007), Nicaragua (2008) and Liberia(2009). The aim has been to expand knowledge ofthe UN system and its work in practice. On thisbackground, the UNDG Denmark again initiated astudy tour on 16-21 January 2011. Nepal wasselected due to the interesting coordination of UNoperational activities as well as political and socio-economic challenges. The initiative wasimplemented by the UN Country Team in Nepal inclose collaboration with the UNDG in Denmark. Atotal of 3 MPs from Denmark, 2 MPs from Norway,the Editor ofUdvikling(Danida’s magazine) and the
Directors of UNFPA and UNDP Nordic Officesparticipated in the visit. It was positively receivedby the participants, who recommend that a newstudy visit should be organised.
Interaction with Nordic parliamentarians and refugees in SanischareRefugee Camp in Nepal on 18thJanuary 2011.
In preparation for the upcoming UN City in Copenhagen, it was agreed to revamp thewww.un.dkwebpageto strengthen the image of a coherent UN in Denmark. The page will come with a new design, newtechnical content management system, more content and information on the MDGs, UN and the UNagencies operating from Denmark. Agencies can upload news, reports, and vacancies. The UNCommunication Group has taken lead, and the page is expected to be launched 1 March 2010.The interagency UN Communication Group also launched a blog at the independent Danish developmentweb portalwww.ulandsnyt.dk.The aim is to portrait UN’s joint efforts in recipient countries. Five inputshave been uploaded so far covering Haiti Year One, Returning to Afghanistan, UN and AidEffectiveness/Delivering as One – opportunities and challenges, HDR as a tool to overcome poverty, andthe anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The work will continue in 2011, where theorganizations will coordinate to tell stories showing that UN is where it happens.Lessons learned and priorities in 2011The UNDG in Denmark will continue to keep other agencies updated on development policy trends andinitiatives of common interest. During 2011 the UNDG members will monitor the situation on the nationalelections in Denmark and impact on development policies/aid and multilateralism. In addition, outreachactivities of WFP’s 50thAnniversary and UNEP Risø’s 20thAnniversary will be celebrated.The Heads of Agencies of the UNDG Denmark have generated positive experiences of coordination andcollaboration of joint issues, e.g. several Nordic parliamentarians study visits to UN work in practice, UNwebpage and a blog. Moreover, the UN City Initiative will further enhance the Delivering as One spiritduring 2011. Thus, there are perspectives of interesting organizational collaboration.Finally, the members of UNDG in Denmark will keep their headquarters and partners updated on joint UNwork in Denmark.